The abbrev at on stands for ' World Health Organ zat on '.
Integrity , professionalism and respect for diversity . The principles of human rights , universality and equity , ethical standards and the highest possible level of health .
To promote health , keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable , with measurable impact for people at country level .
When was it founded ? It was founded on the 7th of April , 1948 .
How many countries are involved ? 191 countries are the members .
What are some subject areas ? Coronovirus and Epidemics Child and Adolescent Health Chronic Diseases Cancer Health Promotion Diabetes Tobacco Free Initiatives Child Health Food Safety Nutrition Violence Prevention Move for Health
W O R L D H E A L T H D A Y I S C E L E B R A T E D O N 7 T H O F A P R I L
T H E Y C A R E A B O U T P E O P L E ’ S H E A L T H A N D L I F E .
What do they do ? WHO works worldwide to improve health , keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable .
Where do they work ? The center of the WHO is in Geneva , Switzerland .
This research has been done by the Turkish team . Source : text and photos from its official website