Global Happiness is a monumental quest to improve the world.
Messages that inspire us can elevate our ambitions and our ac-
tions. The latest D.C. entertainment movie, Wonder Woman was
loaded with power packed inspiration.
Great Leaders Fight for the Underdog. Diana told Trevor, “I will
fight, for those who can not fight for themselves.”
The World Needs Greater Brotherly Kindness – Diana concludes,
“Only love can truly save the world.”
We can increase global happiness with the little things we say
and do. Do you have any favorite movie quotes, books, or fables
that have positively influenced you?
1) The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper published by
Little Golden Books was one of my favorite childhood stories! We
can be small but still strong. We may not be shiny or big & bold
but we can accomplish much simply because of courage and a
willing heart to serve.
2) The story of The Good Samaritan. Discrimination and crime
have been in existence for thousands of years but the parable
of The Good Samaritan showcases the human spirit of brotherly
kindness who helps a Jew who was beaten, robbed and left on the
wayside and was cared for by a Samaritan who were traditionally
treated poorly by the Jews. This story teaches us to love & serve
our neighbor regardless of cultures & differences.
3.) The Rescue of the Starfish. A man is found on the beach
tossing one starfish after another into the sea. (If left in the sun,
out of the water, they will die.) He was questioned one day, why
bother, there are thousands of them, it possibly can’t make a
difference? The man tosses another and replies, “Well, it made
a difference to that one.” The small we do to serve others make
a difference!
4.) Children’s fingerplay. “There was a Chubby Snowman
with a carrot for a nose, along comes Mr. Bunny, and what do
you suppose?! That hungry little bunny, looking for some lunch,
snatched that snowman’s carrot nose, crunch, crunch, crunch.”
When one is truly hungry enough for anything, he will find a way
to get what he wants. Often we stay in our misery, and don’t
move out because we just aren’t motivated enough. The hungry
bunny figured how to get the carrot.
5.) Sow & Reap. If you want to reap a harvest of pumpkins you
don’t sow tomato seeds. If we want to accomplish something,
we must put in the effort to nurture and grow that dream. Study-
ing, learning, practicing, perfecting, sharing, teaching, and give-
ing back to others will aid in the journey.
I hope you enjoyed reading a few of my favorites and I invite you
to ponder yours and share them with your family & friends.
We can increase global happiness with the little things … saying
hello, making eye contact with people you pass, volunteering in
your community, meeting your neighbors, smiling in the store,
loving a pet, sharing a note of gratitude or doing random acts of
Onward & upward,
Crissy Butts, Happiness Coach
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