International Focus Magazine Vol. 4, #3 | Page 18

seen on the scene 2019 French Cultures Festival Kick-off Concert By: Heidi Powell-Prera, Photographer/Journalist Spoken by 300 million people on the five continents and by 2.1 million people in the United States, French language is the second most widely learned language in the world. Since 1970, French language has been celebrated on March 20, which marks the birth of the Intergovernmental Organization of French-speaking na- tions (Organisation internationale de la francophonie). Each year in March, the Cultural Service of the French Embassy in Houston or- ganizes the French Cultures Festival (FCF) in Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. A celebration of the diversity of “francophonie”, it brings together people who not only speak French, but also feel, in one way or another, connected to France and the Francophone community. One of the major objectives of the French Cultures Festival is to create awareness of the diversity of contemporary French culture and to stimulate exchanges with the public. This year’s festival was officially launched during the 7th annual kick-off concert, showcasing a bouncing mix of jazz, soul, R&B and funk sounds with three bands: Scott Tixier(France), David Caceres (Houston, TX) and Andréanne Martin (Que- bec). IF Magazine’s own Jazz Photographer Heidi Powell-Prera, was on the scene to capture Scott Tixier’s performance. “The evening was perfect for sitting out at Discovery Green listening to music. The wind crescendoed with the band end- ing the set with a light rain which just added to the Magic. As I walked through the crowd I saw people mesmerized by the music and kids playing. Scott Tixier’s playing was both energizing and relaxing at the same time. A Truly Inspiring per- formance.” Scott Tixier is one of his generation’s extraordinary talents, Scott Tixier has made a name for himself as a violinist-composer of wide-ranging ambition, individual- ity and drive. 18 iF Magazine |March 2019