International Focus Magazine Vol. 2, #7 | Page 25

to be honest, the unknown gets me a little nervous, and the thought of me being in such cold temperatures was not making it any easier. (Oh, by the way, did I mention I am not a strang- er to cold? I grew up in Siberia.) to the attendant. The cold vapor surrounded my body but I did not feel the cold shock one will experi- ence when being submerged in ice bath. Since the temperature in the chamber drops gradually, you get ac- climated to the changes. The whole I made it there … as nervous as one treatment takes only three minutes. can be. The friendly staff assured me The first time ever you can cut down that the treatment can be stopped to two. As I was in the chamber I at any minute and the door is not kept my mind off being cold by talk- locked, which gave me comfort. I ing to the cryotherapy technician had to strip to my undergarments. all the time. The fact that she was I was given two sets of gloves, socks there through the whole time closely and slippers, a towel to wrap myself supervising me made me feel ver y in. When I walked out of the fit- comfortable. The chamber cuts off ting room, there was a cryocham- after three minutes, because going ber cooled with nitrogen gas and longer is not advisable. I was handed the vapors that were coming from back my towel and helped out of the the top made it look like something chamber. I walked back to the fitting from a sci-fi movie. Since I have a room to get dressed. curious nature, I got a little excited. The cryotherapy technician opened You probably want to know how I the door and I walked in. The floor felt afterwards. I felt great! Rejuve- in the chamber was raised to where nated, energized, my mood alleviated my head was above the chamber. I and most importantly my back pain learned that inhaling too much ni- was not there! I called my skeptical trogen will make you feel dizzy and friend right away and started pouring is not advisable. I handed the towel on how great I am feeling and told him that he needs to try it for sure! Needless to say, I got hooked on cryotherapy! I signed up for month- ly unlimited membership and started going there four to five times a week, despite the long drive. Because cryo- therapy is the only therapy that helps me live a pain-free life, I became a strong believer and advocate for it. After seven months of starting cryo- therapy treatments, I have my own cryotherapy spa now. Better sleep, elevated mood, and stress reduction are just icing on the cake. Plus, I can splurge on dessert without fear- ing the weight-gain because doing cryotherapy daily helps me keep my metabolism high and I burn some calories while my body is trying to keep warm in the chamber. Doing cryotherapy became a part of my daily regimen along with working out and practicing yoga. Our body is an amazing machine; it’s designed to heal itself, if you give it a chance. Larissa Steinruck CEO, Founder of Arctic Healing Cryo iF Magazine | 25