5. What are some of the Egyptian
contributions to writing?
The Associated Press, Cairo —
Apr 18, 2017 announced that
“Archaeologists in Egypt have
The oldest known alphabet (ab-
discovered more than 1,000 stat-
jad) was derived from syllabic
ues and 10 sarcophagi in an an-
hieroglyphs in ancient Egypt.
cient noble’s tomb on the west
Egyptian hieroglyphs, a script
bank of the Nile River in Luxor.
that was partly syllabic and partly
ideographic, is ranked among the The Antiquities Ministry said
world’s oldest writing systems.
Tuesday that the tomb was built
for a judge during the New King-
dom period, from roughly 1,500
to 1,000 B.C.”
As the father of ‘Historiogaphy,’
Egyptians used their writing to 8. What are some of the Egyptian
record history of battles and royal
contributions to fashion and hy-
6. What are some of the Egyptian
contributions to art?
Much art deco is inspired by
Egyptian archealogical discover-
ies of royal tombs including King
Tut’s, which were filled with jew-
elry, furniture and art.
The emphasis we give to fashion
and hygiene was part of the cul-
ture of ancient Egyptians. They
regularly bathed in the Nile with
“soaps” they created from animal
fat and chalk. Men shaved their
entire bodies for cleanliness and
used aromatic perfumes and oint-
ments. Women wore wigs, jew-
elry and cosmetics. Clothes were
made from simple linen sheets.
Do some of these practices re-
mind you of today’s practices in
the Western world including
building that house a climate-
controlled rainforest; the Aquar-
ian Pyramid, the largest of the
three with ocean displays, and the
Discovery Pyramid, a con-
stantly changing exhibit center
with informative, interactive dis-
The Unity Pyramid in Hous-
ton is made with the same di-
mensions as the Great Pyramid of
Egypt and is graced with a beau-
tiful carving of Jesus with open
arms facing the entry to welcome
all. Weddings and events are often
held here.
This article highlights a few of the
many contributions that Egypt has
made to our modern lifestyle, busi-
ness and culture.
9. What are some of the Egyptian
contributions to architecture?
7. What are some of the Egyptian
contributions to archeology?
With seemingly endless contribu-
tions to archeology with the many
discoveries of tombs and ancient
civilization, recently there was
a new discovery in a tomb
near Egypt’s Luxor.
The Rothschild Corporation is ex-
perienced in change management,
team building workshops, facilitat-
Egypt introduced pyramids and ing meetings, and consulting and soft
temples to architecture. Egypt’s skills training to help organizations
pyramids are highlighted among maximize teamwork and effective
the world’s best architectural communications. They listen to your
achievements. Although they needs to focus the outcomes on your
were built many centuries ago,
target goals.
the pyramids can be as tall as 482
feet (147 m) high.
Moody Gardens theme park
in Galveston is includes three
spectacular pyramids: the Rain-
forest Pyramid, a 10-story
Susanne Rothschild
The Rothschild
Corporation, Consulting,
Leadership Skills Training and
Project Management
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