continued from page 18 ~
When we don’t live in gratitude, we
live in attitude. Let’s reflect on what
we have … We enjoy a relatively
safe society with law and order and a
system of justice to protect all man-
kind. Women are given EVERY op-
portunity as men — they can serve
on the front lines, be judges, run
for President, own their own busi-
ness, receive special honors & grants
because they are women, they can
kill their unborn, and even change
their gender. What more do women
want? We are NOT ravished with
plagues, food, or fuel shortages. We
have opportunities for education to
improve and to prosper, regardless of
income. We have access to the best
science and medicine (man-made
and natural) in the world. The nation
is saturated with non-profit agen-
cies run by compassionate men and
women and countless volunteers that
20 iF Magazine | April 2017
tirelessly reach out to lift the down-
trodden and support the weaker citi-
zens. There is so much abundance all
around us! The country is abundant
in landscape, topography from coastal
shores, mountains, rivers, valleys, des-
erts, waterfalls, and plain-lands. Parks
in most communities provide a place
of refuge from the congestion where
people can converse and be refreshed.
the truth, and contribute to society
with their gifts and talents. When we
don’t appreciate what we have, and
add to the strength of our nation’s
moral fiber, we will lose it. Hap-
piness Warriors, there is a battle of
ideas and values that stirs attitudes of
contention. May we unite in peace,
harmony and goodwill despite our
differences. May we laugh more, talk
more, play more and love more. May
May we love, serve, help, uplift, shine, we become 1HappyTribe.
inspire vs. whine complain, grum-
ble, picket and pretend to be a vic-
tim (of what?). We can show honor
Crissy Butts
and dignity toward people who have
Happiness Coach,
opinions and beliefs different than
Team-Building Educator,
our own. May we each step up as a
human being, and do our part. We
can live with abundance by treating
others with respect, encourage one
another, raise our kids right by teach-
ing them right from wrong, to tell