International Focus Magazine Vol. 2, #10 | Page 38


aloe vera : some benefits you know , some that may surprise you

Aloe Vera is a plant that originated in Africa and now grows in tropical climates around the world . It is known for its skin healing properties , so let ’ s talk about those first .
There are two main parts of the plant used medicinally , the gel and the latex . The gel contains the skin healing properties . It aids in the healing of burns , wounds , psoriasis and inflammation . It will help cool the skin in the midst of it feeling heated due to irritation . It can be used to keep the skin clear of bumps due to shaving as well . It has also been helpful in the treatment of diabetic wounds .
This healing of wounds does not just apply to external wounds , but to internal ones as well . The same is true for internal inflammation . Aloe Vera gel is very beneficial in helping heal irritation or ulceration to the gastrointestinal tract . Example of conditions with this are gastritis , peptic ulcer disease , acid reflux , and inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn ’ s or ulcerative colitis .
The latex part of the aloe plant has laxative properties and can be used , in small doses , to address atonic constipation . Combining with other herbs known to relax intestinal muscles and sphincters , such as chamomile , can help to decrease cramping when stimulating the bowels . The latex is contraindicated in inflammatory bowel diseases and inflamed hemorrhoids . It has typically been removed in store-bought Aloe Vera gel .
Aloe Vera also helps to improve the immune system and increase absorption of nutrients . This makes sense because it is helpful for healing the digestive tract . Our digestive system houses about 70-80 % of our immune system , and is the place for absorption of nutrients from our food . Aloe Vera alone also provides several naturally-occurring vitamins , minerals , and amino acids .
Consider buying an Aloe Vera plant so you can have a lifetime supply of its wonderful healing benefits !
Devin Miles , ND Naturopathic doctor
Bio : Dr . Devin Miles is the owner of It ’ s Time Natural Health , in which she uses a wide variety of natural therapies to help prevent and heal the body of illness . She focuses on total preventive wellness and kidney health . Dr . Miles offers consultations in which she uses an indepth customized approach for every individual to achieve optimal health and facilitate the body ’ s inherent ability to heal itself .
www . drdevinmiles . com
38 iF Magazine | November 2017