born somewhere else.
Katia: Being the most multicultural city
in America, how does Houston’s diversity
benefit you as a business owner?
company in which everyone is different. We speak different
languages, we have different beliefs, we all come from different cultural backgrounds, and we all came together with the
shared goal of connecting people across language and culture.
It is our joint mission that unites us, and the fact that we are all
different is what makes us stronger and more successful.
Ludmila: It is very interesting that you ask
In one way, we set an example to our clients about successfully
this question. I mentioned that Houston is
with a very diverse and multicultural workforce. On the
the country’s most multicultural city. Well,
we are the bridge that helps our clients communicate
it is also one of the best cities for business
internationally. What is important to know is that you do not need
in the United States. I want to emphasize
leave Houston to do business internationally – sometimes you
this correlation between Houston’s muljust
have to go to the other side of town. We help our clients expand
ticulturalism and diversity, and its status
their business both domestically and internationally.
as one of the most successful cities in
which to conduct business. I believe
Katia: How do you foresee your role as CEO and the role your
that it is our diversity that makes us
company plays in the market will change as the demographics of
such a great place for business.
our city and our country continue to diversify?
Katia: As a business leader, what
strategies do you use to support a
diverse and multicultural workforce?
Ludmila: Our workforce is diverse and multicultural by definition because of the nature of
our work; we all speak different
languages and come from all
over the world. Being multilingual or having an international background is by no
means a requirement to hold
a corporate position with
MasterWord, but experience
and contact with another
language or culture is such
an asset when it comes to
soft skills like resourcefulness, critical thinking, and
interpersonal communication.
Ludmila: As any company grows, the roles of its leaders change and
evolve. I have learned a tremendous amount from the people that I work
with. One of the things I learned is that there is always a different way,
possibly even a better way to do something if you try taking a different
approach. Flexibility and adaptability are also key to success in such a
dynamic business climate, though we never lose sight of the reason we do
what we do: to connect people across language and culture.
I really believe that all of our city’s organizations and all of our individual
approaches will continue to evolve as Houston becomes increasingly diverse
and multicultural. In a way, Houston is setting an example for the rest of the
country on how we can all support each other and make each other stronger
by embracing and celebrating our differences.
~ coninued next page
Katia: How do these
internal strategies
impact your clients
and the services you
provide to them?
Ludmila: We are
an example of a
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