International Focus Magazine Prototype Edition | Page 42





Interview by Sonia Guimbellot

On February 25-28 , Houston hosted the We Lead International presented by the Africa IXchange Pan African Women ’ s Summit at the Marriott West Loop Galleria with international dignitaries and notables in attendance , including Ndileka Mandela , the granddaughter of the late former South African President Nelson Mandela and Speaker of Parliament of Mozambique , H . E . Veronica Macamo . The Pan African Women ’ s Summit 2016 is held to inspire , engage , and empower women across Africa to promote development in infrastructure , health and human resources training , education and technology .

Africa IXchange , a We Lead initiative , is formed from the perspective of women to make the changes from within , to build resilient families and stronger communities , worldwide . The goals of the Houston summit are to help build community capacities , create effective partnerships and best practices , and promote leadership skills in women .
Ndileka Mandela was a key part of the summit . According to Mandela , “ Women empowerment in Africa and women empowerment globally , is the same . In the African context , some women believe that if you have a career , a husband , and children , and want to accord equal status to all of them , that is real empowerment . Others believe that having a career and not needing anybody else , especially men , is women empowerment . I don ’ t believe that we can be one dimensional . For me , real empowerment in the 21st century is a struggle of identity and of choice , to be authentic to whatever choice you make .”
42 iF Magazine | June 2016