International Focus Magazine Premiere Edition | Page 44

learn all they can about that part of the world. They are the ones who will be dealing with their Aida: Politicians and the com- future counterparts in the region. plex geopolitics of the region are By participating in this diplomatic one thing we leave to think tanks simulation conference they gain and other politically oriented or- first hand knowledge about the ganizations. We focus on com- issues facing the region. Upon mercial diplomacy. We’ve realized graduation and through this expethat the private sector is where we rience American college students see mended relationships where can go on to be more informed mutual respect and mutual ben- policy makers, lawyers, journalists efit underlie the interaction. That or business people. It has been a said, we let people know the dif- very gratifying to see the conferficulties they may face and offer ence grow to include universithe chamber to help them navi- ties from throughout the states of gate their way to success. There Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and are challenges and pitfalls when Louisiana. doing business internationally and especially the MENA region, our Sonia: And another educational programs are geared towards ad- outreach for the chamber involves dressing those challenges, offering taking a delegation of teachers each solutions and options that help year to the Middle East … and it companies overcome the poten- is called TEACH? (Sonia & Aida laugh) tial hurdles. Sonia: what about the geopolitical arena? ture of their countr