International Final Project International_FinalReport | Page 6
to deal with new ideas and other people on their way to think, definite this makes easier for countries from the outside to get in into
this market I think that the best way to describe our own people is the word “ trust “, sometimes this can get hard because of how
American and Mexican culture work together, but in business is good to work together.
In adittion near 71% of the people from México know a 60% of English, making this an easy way to deal with foreign countries .
As part of laboral unions, we can see between both countries and how they manage this here in México, Current old institutions like
the Oil Workers Union and the National Education Workers’ Union (Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación, or SNTE) are
examples of how the use of government benefits are not being applied to improve the quality in the investigation of the use of oil or
the basic education in Mexico as long as their leaders show publicly that they are living wealthily. With 1.4 million members ,
the teachers’ union is Latin America’s largest; half of Mexico’s government employees are teachers. It controls school curriculums,
and all teacher appointments. Until recently, retiring teachers routinely “gave” their lifelong appointment to a relative or “sell” it
for anywhere in between $4,700 and $11,800.
Mexican exports and imports and their contribution to industrial growth. Having demonstrated the interdependence of
macroeconomic and trade policies THIS AS AN ENTIRE OPORTUNITIE WITH MISSOURI CAN OPEN NEW TRADES FOR THE FUTURE, the paper concludes
with recommendations for policy reform, e.g. for remedying macroeconomic disequilibria, reducing price distortions and reforming
trade policy, with a view to moving towards an outward-oriented development strategy in Mexico.
The economy of Mexico is the 15th largest in the world in nominal terms and the 11th largest by purchasing power parity, according
to the International Monetary Fund. The economy contains rapidly developing modern industrial and service sectors, with increasing
private ownership. Recent administrations have expanded competition in ports, railroads, telecommunications, electricity generation,