International Final Project International_FinalReport | Page 3

NO1 EXCLUSIVE WORLD NUMBER ONE BUSINESS MAGAZINE INTERNARIONAL EAGLE MAGAZINE OUR SERIVCES >> As part of our main goal is to provide first guidance of what our main clients want and them capacity to do it. >> Provide help with main trade companies to make paper work easier, we can help them in all the process taking care of their business from the hand. >> Valid certification in trades, so this helps us to understand how global trades work and try to help them with the most advance technology. >> Developing marketing strategies guided in what is the main goal and when is going to work. OUR MAIN TARGET Our main target it would be the continent of Asia, and we were going to focus to business with China and their big business of manufacturing and their cheap products trying to get a good opportunity with companies from here in México. This guided with the way always China and Mexico have been working give us an amazing advice to work with them. I think that Asia and in specific China is the best opportunity as a big business trade because they can handle cheap cost for any product that we want, talking about main products that México needs it would be a great opportunity taking care for this kind of information and for this case they main industries that we are going to focus as target it’s going to be promotional industries , media industries and entertainment industry, because here in México this kind of industries take a lot of investments in outside countries, making this an opportunity to create new ways to find products from other countries, for this scenario because we have help Promotional companies as: Gamjoy, Portapromo and our biggest client it would be Ping Solutions. I need to add that the work between China and Mexico has been really amazing because in 2014 the trade between these two countries make them go to the first 4 trades in 2014, making billions of dollars working together in part of international trades. The big advantage we have is that China works really close with USA, so this trade makes us an option important to work; it is an alliance that we need to work a lot to understand how global markets work. Let´s make business together. ALL IN ONE PLACE 2