International Final Project International_FinalReport | Page 11

WORLD NUMBER ONE BUSINESS MAGAZINE NO1 EXCLUSIVE INTERNARIONAL EAGLE MAGAZINE relationships prevail over task and company from in our out México. China will enact two new environmental protection laws at the start of 2018 -- one to formalize the emissions discharge fee into a tax collected from industrial polluters, and the other to combat water pollution more effectively. Mexico now has a solid environmental legal and institutional framework which is starting to bear positive results. To encourage further implementation, OECD recommends that Mexico better enforces and funds these environmental policies, and  integrates environmental concerns into sectoral policies. Commitment to the organization (but not necessarily to the people in the organization) is low. Whereas relationships with colleagues are cooperative for in-groups they are cold or even hostile to out-groups. Personal relationships prevail over task and company. If you can speak Chinese this can greatly enhance your a ttractiveness for opportunities . So if you are planning to make business with China for a while, it is a good idea to focus on learning Chinese at the start, and then you can put your Chinese skills to use in a practical setting later. Exports of goods to China, Canada and Mexico jointly accounted for a substantial share of aggregate U.S. exports: >> 8 percent of U.S. exports were shipped to China. >>18 percent were shipped to Canada. >>16 percent were shipped to Mexico. These observations show that China, Canada and Mexico accounted for a very significant share of aggregate U.S. imports across key product categories . This evidence suggests that households, firms and workers that rely on goods imported from such countries may be hurt if the U.S. were to raise trade barriers on imports from these countries. ALL IN ONE PLACE 10