International Educational Conference Post-conference publication | Page 49

Adding content to the visualization was essential to provide in-depth knowledge to visitors. Content folders encompass historical images, interviews with former inmates, short texts,

and more. In curating a route with 21 calibration points connected to digital folders,

the participant can ultimately choose whether to follow the route, skip some sections, or not engage certain information. Visualizing the camp's reality in isolation proved impossible, necessitating the addition of contextual content to depict life within the camp.


In the VR/AR experience, a deliberate decision was made to use colors that do not represent reality to avoid confusion between the virtual and the real worlds. Reflecting on the project, Anette Homlong Storeide believes that this concern originated from their own perspective. For digital natives, it is evident that no confusion can arise. They are highly aware of the tools they use and their intended purpose. After five years of using this tool, the memorial can draw some conclusions and lessons from the project. Firstly, there were numerous technical issues due to the weak Internet connection in the area. On days with poor connectivity,

the location-based app may misplace buildings or hyperlinks with the content folders. Additionally, the region experiences six months of harsh winter conditions, making it challenging to use the app, especially on rainy days when using a tablet is not possible.

This tool is more effective with participants aged 18 and above. Visitors aged 15 can quickly become bored if they are not given specific tasks. They may lack the patience to explore

the area on their own. When all conditions are met for this tool to function optimally,

the combination of the physical environment as well as movement and the sensory engagement of visitors through digital material significantly enhances their visit, understanding of the place, and interaction with other visitors.


The most appreciated feature of the tablet is not the VR/AR reconstruction at all. All audience surveys we have conducted reveal that the tablet works best as a portable digital archive collection. The ability to listen to video testimonies at relevant locations on-site is the most valued feature.

Dr. Anette Homlong Storeide, photo: Press Office