International E-Magazine on adolescent health Circulatory and Respiratory System | Page 3

CARCINOGENS FOUND IN CIGARETTE SMOKE A carcinogen is substance that causes a series of genetic alterations to occur that lead to the formation of cancerous growths. The carcinogens affect the respiratory and circulatory system causing different types of disorders and effects. Respiratory System Some carcinogens are Acetone, Acetic Acid, Arsenic Cadmium, Carbon Monoxide, Methanol, and Nicotine. With a smoke of a cigarette more than 4,000 chemicals are released in almost every system of your body. Nicotine is one of many chemicals that work against your whole body. When chemicals enter the mouth and trachea, they irritate these organs and leave low chemical burns as they travel down. Toxins enter directly into the lungs. These chemicals immediately attack anything that comes into contact with them. The alveoli, which also burned and filled with scars, lose the ability to take the air and move through the body. The lung looks like it had been chemically burned, and it is what causes lung cancer. Circulatory System Diseases of the circulatory system are the leading cause of death and are clearly favored by the consumption of cigarettes. The effect of Nicotine appears related to its activity in the brain, causing the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline by increasing its concentration in the blood. The cigarette produces countless effects on the blood and blood system in general. Many of these changes are caused by increased activity of the nervous system. The carcinogens affect in a very high level, someone who inhales these substances is at high risk of developing a range of potentially lethal diseases. It causes cancer in different parts of the body, lung disease, poor blood circulation in feet and hands. Page 3