OptiMate 4 – Version 3 has landed
First introduced in 2008 , TecMate ’ s OptiMate 4 quickly became established as one of the most popular battery chargers in their line-up . Version 2 , introduced in 2010 , had two major updates
Lazer goes “ Glam ”
Lazer Helmets have updated their SHARP 4- star rated ‘ Bayamo All Star ’ full face and gone “ Glam Rock ” for a striking new look . Made in two shell sizes for men and women ( the lighter version weighs approximately 1,500g ) the visor is Pinlock ready , it has a flexible chin curtain and an internal sun visor . The speaker-ready lining is made from
- high frequency , fully electronic power conversion ( able to receive global 100 – 240Vac power ) and a dual program feature . Program 1 gave direct charging to a 12V battery via the battery clips or permanent battery leads with M6 ( 1 / 4 ”) rings ; program 2 allowed charging to be activated through the CAN bus controlled 12V power port on BMW motorcycles . The OptiMate 4 dual program was the first to solve the problem of the BMW rider periodically having to turn on the key to re-activate their battery maintainer to prevent their battery running down ; OptiMate 4 ’ s keyless program communicated seamlessly with the BMW CAN bus control and guaranteed 24-7 maintenance without the need of supervision . The keyless entry and additional features , such as the ability to save a battery from as low as 0.5V and preand post-charging testing ( allowing the user to monitor charge progress ), quickly made OptiMate 4 dual
removable , washable , antimicrobial material with a quadruple density inner shell and micrometric buckle .
LAZER HELMETS Mont-Saint-Guibert , BELGIUM Tel : + 32 ( 0 ) 10 300300 info @ lazerhelmets . com www . lazerhelmets . com program the most popular and trusted charger in global powersport . The new Version 3 retains all these advantages and more . The more efficient power circuitry ( California approved ) now delivers 1 Amp of charge current and refinements in the software control further speeds charging - with the visual LED instructions on the charger itself helping keep the user informed of charge progress at a glance . Two models of the Version 3 are available - the standard V3 OptiMate 4 model and a dedicated BMW CAN bus edition .
TECMATE Tienen , BELGIUM Tel : + 32 ( 0 ) 16 805440 www . tecmate . com www . optimate1 . com