International Dealer News IDN 113 July 2013 | Page 8

STAT ZONE UK motorcycle sales up in May AT 4.09 percent (8,821 units) motorcycle sales in the United Kingdom were up compared to the same month of last year for the first time in 2013. Year to date motorcycle sales (for the first five months of 2013 versus 2012) are still down though, at -5.39 percent. Total PTW sales in May were up fractionally over May 2012 with 0.55 percent growth (9,711 units), though for the five months of the year to date, while the rate of decline appears to be slowing somewhat, the market is still down by -7.51 percent (38, 279 units). As elsewhere in Europe, dealers and manufacturers in the UK will be hoping that poor weather is the primary explanation for market decline, but with March, April and May accounting for such a high percentage of annual sales in the UK, clearly the damage, especially to dealers who are now carrying excess unsold inventory, will already have been done. UK, YEAR TO DATE 50,000 2013 2012 UK: May 11.000 MAY 2013 MAY 2012 -7.51 -5.39% 40,000 10.000 +0.55% 30,000 UNITS UNITS +4.09% 36,159 34,211 8.000 8,474 8,821 10,000 7.000 MOTORCYCLE MOTORCYCLES YCLE ES TOTAL PT PTWS TWS LARGE MOTORCY MOTORCYCLES O YCLES TOTAL PTWS LP German motorcycle sales improve in May FOLLOWING a massive 26.61 percent increase in year on year motorcycle sales in April, it looks like some of the sales lost earlier this year (in March especially) have now been recovered in Germany, with sales up by 4.21 percent in May (11, 601 units versus 11,132 in May 2012). This means that for both April and May, motorcycle sales in Germany have been higher than in the same months since 2008, and that for the five months of the year to date motorcycle sales are up by 1.04 percent, at 50,541 units – the best seen since 2008 (50,837). In total PTW sales terms, May was up 2.84 percent (following a 19.75 percent increase in April) meaning that for the five months of the year to date, total PTW are lagging behind the same period of last year by only -1.99 percent (69,626 units). Clear evidence that the protracted poor weather has delayed sales, dealers and manufacturers in Germany will be hoping that underlying demand for motorcycles and small cc machines will continue to improve (assuming reasonable in the months ahead) and that 2013 as a whole could yet show some (if modest) improvement on the 127, 680 total PTW sales seen in Germany in 2012. GERMANY, YEAR TO DATE 80,000 2013 2012 GERMANY: MAY 25.000 MAY 2013 MAY 2012 -1.99% 70,000 20.000 60,000 UNITS +1.04% 50,000 15.000 16,559 17,029 50,019 +4.21% 5.000 MOTORCYC MOTORCYCLES Y YCLES TOTAL PTWS P 11,132 10.000 11,601 40,000 30,000 LARGE MOTOR MOTORCYCLES T RCYCLES TOTAL PTWS LP 8 INTERNATIONAL DEALER NEWS - JULY 2013 50,541 69,626 UNITS +2.84% 71,040 38.279 9,658 9,711 9.000 20,000 41,85