International Dealer News 174 Aug/Sep 2023 IDN172 Aug/Sep 2023 | Page 19

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these requirements ." The two key definitions in the guidelines concern :
• Baffle : the component or subassembly that contributes to the noise attenuation performance of a silencer , e . g . ' dB killer '.
• Tamper-proof : an exhaust is considered tamper-proof when grinding , cutting or drilling is required to remove an exit-cone , a fastener or a baffle from a silencer .
• Permanent and irrecoverable damages - " removal causing permanent / irrecoverable damage to the assembly " is understood as a being the result of using other mechanical means than traditional , low cost , easily available tools such as hammer , screwdrivers , or pliers .
• " Permanent / irrecoverable damage " includes damages to the aesthetics of the product or damages which would prevent the reintroduction of the removed part ( s )."
To avoid any uncertainty , the document is very specific in terms of the interpretation of antitampering :
• " The NORESS or its components shall be constructed in a way that does not permit removal of baffles , exit-cones and other parts whose primary function is as part of the silencing / expansion chambers .
• " Where incorporation of such a part is unavoidable , its method of attachment shall be such that removal is not facilitated ( e . g . with conventional threaded fixings ) and shall also be attached such that removal causes permanent / irrecoverable damage to the assembly . •" Baffles and exit-cones should not be removable by construction / design . Exhaust manufacturers [ must ] therefore take the necessary means so that the NORESS integrity would not be
easily compromised by users / owners .
• " Exit-cones should be tamper-proof . In detail , this means that conventional threaded fixing or similar methods used to fasten exitcones to the rest of the assembly are not considered as tamper-proof .
• " Should manufacturers use conventional threaded fixing or similar , exit-cones should be also fastened to the exhaust casing by another method such as gluing or welding . Rivets ( stainless steel , not aluminum ) or break-head bolts may be used to secure exit-cones to the exhaust casing . Should manufacturers use non-stainless steel rivets , exit-cones should be also
' Photo : ACEM '
fastened to the exhaust casing by another method such as gluing or welding . Alternatively , exit-cone fasteners should be filled with epoxy or similar substance ;
• " The baffles should be fixed to the exhaust casing or to the exitcone so as to ensure that removal of the exit-cones should not facilitate the removal of the baffle . The baffle should be tamperproof : examples of its fixing methods include sufficient welding or use of threaded fixings covered by epoxy or similar substances .
• " Cosmetic end caps ( exitcones ) may be attached with conventional fasteners if removal of the end cap does not facilitate removal of baffles or attenuation devices , and is not a part whose function is as part of the silencing / expansion chambers .
• " Baffles and other parts should be welded to the exhaust ( exitcone or exhaust casing ) as a primary method of attachment . It is the manufacturer ' s choice and responsibility to make sure that such welding covers a sufficient perimeter of the outer rim of the baffle to avoid easy removals .
• " Screws and other threaded fixings can be used as a secondary way to secure the baffle to the exhaust , or as an alternative to welding if welding is not technically possible due to different materials being used for the exit-cone and the exhaust casing , for example . In such cases , these fixings should be secured by welding , or filled with epoxy or similar substances .
• " Baffles should never be attached to the rest of the assembly by use of circlips or similar method of assembly as this would not be considered a tamperproof method of attachment .
• " The NORESS or its components shall be constructed in a way that does not permit removal of baffles , exit-cones and other parts whose primary function is as part of the silencing / expansion chambers .
• " Where incorporation of such a part is unavoidable , its method of attachment shall be such that removal is not facilitated ( e . g . with conventional threaded fixings ) and shall also be attached such that removal causes permanent / irrecoverable damage to the assembly ."