Kickstart lever for Vespa T5
German scooter specialist SIP Scootershop has these top quality kickstarters for Vespa large frame models for vintage to conversion types to the PX models . " The kickstart lever for Vespa T5 scooters has been out of production for many years . We have made a highquality reproduction in silver and black that is available now ." " You can kick them repeatedly with your biggest boots on ," says SIP ' s Ralf Jodl , " but without replacement kickstart levers being available on the market , no
traditional Vespa engine will run . These often ignored components of our beloved vintage through to scooters save a lot of effort when starting any Vespa . " They are ergonomically positioned right in front of your view of the engine , which looks great , contributing a great deal to the scooter ' s overall appearance - with attractive , high quality , durable and resistant surface finishing ." These kickstarters are manufactured from high-grade forged aluminium , with a vintage style version also available , and answer a need as not all Vespa kickers are still available , and with those that are , Ralf says you see very variable quality standards . " Some cheap cast aluminium types are around , but they neither fit nor function properly ," Ralf says . " Others have an extremely cheap appearance or are constructed using inferior materials . So , to clear up this mess , we decided to get busy and have a large majority of the original range reproduced to more exacting standards . " Our SIP kickstarters ' appearances are closely based on that of the Piaggio originals . The exceptions are provided by the high-quality materials used in their construction and a vastly improved surface finishing . Our kickstarters are no longer surrounded by an ugly casting seam , but we have included a decently embossed SIP logo , located in front of the mounting bolt . To ensure these kickstarters match and complement various styles of custom and overall image , we have a variety of different versions
Burly Brand for Honda Rebel
The American Burly Brand is appealing to Honda Rebel owners to " Join the Rebellion ” and " rise up against their stock bikes "! " With the introduction of a comprehensive line of Honda Rebel parts and accessories , owners can now make their custom motorcycle vision a reality with components designed to enhance the bike ’ s rebellious spirit . " From sissy bars to shock absorbers , mirrors to slash-cut covers , ape hanger handlebars to luggage , this extensive collection of parts will be a hit with Rebel owners looking to stand out from the crowd ".
MOTORCYCLE STOREHOUSE BV Groningen , NETHERLANDS Tel : + 31 ( 0 ) 50 303 9775 info @ mcseurope . nl www . motorcyclestorehouse . com www . burlybrand . com available : aluminium , chrome and black . " We have also had conversion kickstarters for PX engines fitted into vintage frames , produced to supplement the standard types . Complete with Vespa ' Rally ' look , these unconventional items enable a more authentic vintage appearance for PX engines , especially interesting when fitted to an earlier Vespa large frame model . " Due to the PX kickstarter being in a different position than in earlier large frame engines , the engine had to be opened to change the shaft when mounting a version more suited to an earlier Vespa model ' s original appearance ."
SIP SCOOTERSHOP GMBH Landsberg , GERMANY Tel : + 49 ( 0 ) 8191 9699969 martin @ sip-scootershop . de www . sip-scootershop . com