Sherco 450SEF
house our R & D department for the development of new products , testing for KYB and all factory material being handled there as well , plus a 2,000 m ² warehouse to accommodate our stock . " All the R & D , testing and factory material for KYB and TT will be handled in the new building with the latest equipment in the industry , so we can act quickly with the fast pace in the industry and respond to our customers ' needs and mew model developments ." www . technical-touch . com
machined out of high-grade aluminium , and they also receive a protective hard black coating through anodising , so all the KYB kit components , including our cylinder caps , have been upgraded for longer life and improved performance . " Internally , the shock piston has received a completely new piston band that promotes less friction and results in a smoother ride . Our KYB factory kits now not only look more like the full factory kits the top factory teams use , but their performance is as close as possible to the full factory materials , designs and specifications . " As for the future ? We have no intention of slowing down , and many projects are in the works now and for the next years . Our old warehouse is turning out to be too small to accommodate our growth and we have run out of space in terms of height , so we constructed a new building that will
Factory kit shock cylinder cap
Factory kit fork free piston
Factory kit fork axle brackets www . idnmag . com INTERNATIONAL DEALER NEWS - FEBRUARY / MARCH 2022 33