International Dealer News 163 Oc/Nov 2021 IDN163 Oct/Nov 2021 | Page 12

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Duell Bike-Center adds Tecno Globe , France

Having recently announced the acquisition of IGM in the Netherlands , Finnish distributor Duell Bike-Center Group , has taken another step in its expansion plan with the takeover of Tecno Globe SARL , a major French B2B vendor of high-tech products for twowheelers . The move into the French market signals Duell ' s intention to become a player in Southern European markets as well as Northern and Central Europe . Founded in 1995 , Tecno Globe has a strong reputation with customers and suppliers and delivers to a network of over 4,000 dealers in France . Its main business is in high-tech electronic products such as alarm systems , GPSsupported navigational and tracking systems for motorcycles and bicycles . Tecno Globe offers more than 25 brands , including blue chip product lines such as Cardo , TomTom , Garmin and Bryton . The company has also developed own brands such as CTR , Racedream and Ubikha and says it is the French market leader for mobile phone accessories with brands like TIGRA , RAM Mounts and the promising new French brand Shapeheart . Tecno Globe also supplies an electronic airbag systems from the premium brand Allshot . During the past five years , Tecno Globe increased its turnover by + 108 %, reaching € 21.4m for its financial year to December 1st , 2020 . Tecno Globe will continue to operate independently , under its own name , but under the umbrella of the Duell Bike-Center Group . Tecno Globe founder and former owner , Fabrice Chrétien , will be involved as an advisor for future business strategy and CEO Dennis Becker will continue to run the
From left to right : Fabrice Chrétien , founder and former owner of Tecno Globe , Jarkko Ämmällä , CEO of Duell , and Dennis Becker , CEO of Tecno Globe .
Duell Bike-Center CEO Jarkko Ämmälä : " We prioritise healthy , long-term growth over quick , short-term only success . We are looking to build up local logistics centres that guarantee dealers close-to-market support and fast delivery times . In addition to founding regional subsidiaries , the takeover of existing trading companies is also part of the Duell business model . Our main shareholder , the Finnish financial investor Sponsor Capital , provides the necessary financial power for the mammoth Central and Southern European expansion project we are committed to over the next years to come ."
business on a daily basis . Duell says that one of Becker ' s next major goals will be the smooth transition of Tecno Globe into the European-wide Duell
Bike-Center Group . All 39 Tecno Globe employees are to be retained . Jarkko Ämmälä , CEO of the Duell Bike- Center Group , explained the plans behind the takeover of French Tecno Globe : " France is one of the key markets in Europe , and with Tecno Globe we have been able to gain a well known distributor who has built a strong name for itself over the past 25 years through forward looking strategic vision and hard work . " This business philosophy fits perfectly with our company . Tecno Globe will continue to supply the French trade independently and without changes , and I am convinced that both companies will profit from the very strong synergies in the short term and the power of joined forces in the longer term . " Many products , as well as the entire bicycle category , are also of interest for Duell outside of France . We will also research which products from the Duell range are suitable for distribution in France and will offer Tecno Globe dealers exclusive access to Duell ' s strong line-up of house brands ." Duell offers its trading partners access to a comprehensive portfolio " with all the necessary product groups that are necessary for the maintenance and upgrading of motorcycles as well as garments , helmets and the full range of protective equipment . Highlights of the Duell product portfolio include the formerly Swedish owned Halvarssons and Lindstrands brands and products from Dutch distributor IGM Trading and the associated German Grand Canyon GmbH business . www . duell . eu