International Dealer News 156 August/September 202 IDN 156 Aug/Sept 2020
COMMENT: Yes - but is it sustainable? ..........................................................................................................Page 4
Italy - June 2020 motorcycle registrations +54.99% ....................................................................................................Page 7
ifz Safety Conference moves online .......................................................................................................................................Page 16
BMW sees 12% global growth in June................................................................................................................................................Page 48
KTM owner climbing every
mountain in market defying
drive for sustainable growth
ISSUE #156
KTM, Husqvarna and
Mobility AG has reported
encouraging results for the first
half year of 2020, especially in
the context of the Covid
Sales of motorcycles and e-bikes were
124,682 units (compared to 135,711
in the first six months of 2019) and the
company is reporting early completion
of its 100% takeover of Girona, Spain
based GASGAS, an increase in
production capacity at its Austria
headquarters and staff growth with
170 employees added as it
experiences a "boom in global twowheeler
Over 70,171 KTM, Husqvarna and
GASGAS motorcycles were sold, with
34,351 Husqvarna and R Raymon
branded e-bikes sold. "This
corresponds to an increase of +1.3%
compared to the previous year. In
addition, our Indian partner Bajaj sold
20,160 motorcycles (previous year:
32,539) under the KTM and
Husqvarna brands in its markets hard
hit by Corona in the first six months."
Due to the Corona-related two-month
interruption of production, PIERER
Mobility AG says it expects sales of
€600m (first half 2019: €754.9m),
but still made money in the first six
months of 2020 despite the decline in
sales revenue (EBIT was € 1.7m,
compared to €46.6m in the first half
of 2019).
"After the two-month lockdown, the
two-wheeler trade experienced a
boom due to an apparent change in
mobility behaviour - this was reflected
in the double-digit growth rates in
registrations in both the motorcycle
and e-bicycle sectors.
"The motorcycle market developed
surprisingly strongly, particularly in
North America (+20%) and Australia
(+39%). Globally, our motorcycle
registrations rose by around +4
percent in the first half of the year,
despite the Corona lockdown - with
the KTM and Husqvarna brands able
to achieve high market share gains.
"In order to be able to cover the
increasing demand for two-wheelers
and the necessary increase in
production capacity, 170 additional
employees have been hired for the
Austrian facilities since the beginning
of June 2020. Our worldwide
headcount is now more than 4,400
The PIERER Mobility Group has now
acquired 100% of the shares in global
trials market leader GASGAS
Motorcycles GmbH, ahead of time,
positioning GASGAS as the third
Group brand in the off-road
motorcycle sector for ambitious CEO
Stefan Pierer. The brand fit for the
Continues on page 8 >>>
YAMAHA -6.8% Q1
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