International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 85

澳 designed with their main color, and in terms of shape and semantic relevant random background image, thus realizing outline, logo is generally not presented as a regular the synthesis of the logo image. Unlike the random rectangular structure. (As shown in Fig. 4). Therefore, at the placement of the logo exemplar in [12, 16], this paper pays data level, this paper adopts the Main Color Similarity special attention to where the logo exemplar appears in the Comparison Algorithm. Algorithm 1 gives the main background. Specifically, except for a few logos (such as algorithm flow of the logo image synthesis step. Google) composed of plain text symbols, most logos are Algorithm 1: Logo image synthesis based on main color similarity comparison Input: Transformed logo exemplar I * , Randomly selected background image B ; Output: Synthesized logo image B * ; 1) Randomly select ROI in B for plating I * with Shape ( I *) Shape ( ROI ) ; 2) for every pixel p in I * and ROI judgeHSVColor ( p ) ; end for 3) Count max 2 Color ( I *) and max 2 Color ( ROI ) ; overlap ( max 2 Color ( I *), max 2 Color ( ROI )) 4) if Randomly select another background image B ; Return 1). else Return B * B . replacedWith ( ROI , I *) . end if Combining the above four processes, the synthesis algorithm can not only realize the automatic synthesis of large-scale logo images based on context, but also ensure the accurate annotation of each logo object in the synthetic image without any omission. Examples of synthetic logo images of this paper are shown in Fig. 7. Fig. 7. Examples of the synthetic image based on the synthesis algorithm. This paper choose mAP for performance evaluation of the algorithm. III. E XPERIMENTS AND R ESULTS A. Datasets The dataset this paper used in the experiment is FlickrLogos-32. FlickrLogos-32 was designed for logo retrieval and multi-class logo detection and object recognition. There are 32 logo classes with 70 images each class. During the actual training process, this paper strictly follows the official classification criteria, and divided only 10 images of each logo class as training samples, and the remaining 60 samples were used as test samples. C. Experiments and Analysis First, this paper basically reproduces the experimental results of [12] on the FlickrLogos-32. Specifically, this paper uses the Faster R-CNN as the algorithm framework for logo recognition. The network structure used is VGG-16, and also its pre-trained model on the PASCAL VOC 2007. Parameters and training strategies remain the same as [12]. Based on the recurring results, this paper uses the synthesis algorithm to automatically generate 100 synthetic images together with corresponding annotations for each logo class, and then train logo recognition model based on the synthetic images and the real images. B. Evaluation Metrics Object recognition usually require certain evaluation metrics to evaluate the performance of the algorithm. The commonly used evaluation metrics in the field of logo recognition is mAP (mean Average Precision). The mAP comprehensively characterizes the precision and recall. The larger the value, the better the performance of the algorithm. In general, the comparative experiments with [12] mainly have the following three processes. (1) RealImg: Only 320 labeled real images are used for model training. (2) SynImg-32Cls: Only 3200 labeled synthetic images are used 63