International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 83

澳 learning framework, this paper proposes a new algorithm for synthesizing training data. Based on digging and utilizing the context information of the logo image, the algorithm synthesizes images which fit the real world as much as possible, thus improves the performance of the logo recognition algorithm without adding additional labeling costs. Although this work is not the first attempt to synthesize logo images [12, 16], this paper improves the simple idea of synthesizing logo images in the past, making full use of the interior of logo object, the neighborhood of logo object, the link between logo object and other objects and the scene where logo object lives in, so that training by means of automatically synthesized logo images can produce more significant performance gains. In the experimental aspect, detailed experiments have been conduct on the benchmark dataset FlickrLogos-32 [9], and the best results in logo recognition task which based on the synthetic logo image-assisted have been obtained. The results (mAP 58.9% this paper VS. 54.8% [12]) fully verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. II. C ONTEXT - BASED L OGO I MAGE S YNTHESIS A LGORITHM Fig. 2 shows the overall algorithm framework for logo recognition based on synthetic data. Among them, Generate Synthetic Image as the core of the algorithm, it mainly includes four processes: Logo Exemplar Selection, Background Image Selection, Logo Exemplar Transformation and Logo Image Synthesis, which will be elaborated separately below. In model training, this paper basically follows the sequential learning strategy in [12], which stems from easy-to-hard staged learning ideas in Curriculum Learning [17], first deploying a large number of synthetic images to pre-train a deep model, followed by fine-tuning the deep model with the sparse real images. In addition, this paper explores that training with mixed data of synthetic images and real images, and then fine-tune with real images again, it will achieve better training results. Fig. 2. Logo recognition overall framework based on synthetic data. classes of the FlickrLogos-32 as an example. The corresponding logo exemplars are shown in Fig. 3. The reason for trying like this probably is that by combining pixel-level logo masks and completely transparent logo images, it can enhance the robustness of the model to complex backgrounds while learning more about the real context. A. Logo Exemplar Selection To synthesize images for a given logo class, an exemplar image for each logo class is needed. In the selection of the logo exemplar, this paper both select pixel-level logo masks and completely transparent logo images (the ratio is 1:1), which is different from [12] and [16]. Take the 32 logo  Fig. 3. Selected logo exemplars. Left: pixel-level. Right: background transparent 61