International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 75

4) The SQL operations on the encrypted data are performed in the database. set rows. When the result us different from null, it gets a data set D nm . 5) The DBMS server sends the encrypted response to the proxy server. § a 11 ... a 1 m · ¨ ¸ ¨ ... ... ... ¸ . ¨ a ... a ¸ nm ¹ © n 1 6) The proxy server decrypts the response received from the database. 7) The proxy server sends the decrypted response to the user’s application server. (3) When the operations are delete, insert or update, the database only returns the number of rows affected or null. Table 1 shows the algorithms adopted 3DES and FPE with their percentages of improvements, obtained from the references; for to estimate the improvement of the abstract algorithm, standard deviation was applied, a 26.5% increase in its performance was obtained. TABLE I. A LGORITHM IMPROVEMENT . Algorithm Time compared Amount of data Improvement 3DES 8 rounds in 1 2.99 Gbps 13% FPE 7 rounds 1 million records 66% Abstract algorithm 26.5% Possible limitations of the proposed scheme: x It would not support new SQL operations. x It would not support direct operations on the database. x The request and response must be passed through a proxy server. Fig. 2. Proposal of abstract algorithm. Prototype algorithm using Flow diagram techniques of a database with distributed environment x The encryption and decryption time increases according to the volume of data. In the step 4 of the algorithm in Fig. 2, the tasks of SQL operations are expressed as in the following mathematical based: x The data selection process takes more time on encrypted data. IV. D ISCUSSION Delete Insert Select Update A i v i A i t j A i v i p ,t update, i is independent of j . This document presented the descriptive analysis of 18 security works for databases in distributed environments. With the researches reviewed it turned out an alternative of security of a database: a basic scheme and generalized abstract algorithm, the technique of flowcharts was used to present it. In the basic scheme, a 3-level architecture was adopted, which a database encryption model is obtained from the researches. At the proxy server level, the 3DES algorithm was adopted for the requests and responses to the database; at the DBMS server level, SQL and FPE-based encryption algorithms were adopted; these algorithms are related to the researches. In step 6 of the algorithm in Fig. 2, only when the requested operation was a SELECT was a data set obtained; each returned record must be deciphered in the following mathematical based: As future work is planned: the definition of adequate parameters to increase the security of a distributed database. M – i n 1 – m j 1 t p p , t . (1) Where: M is the number of sites distributes, n is the number of attributes to insert or update, m is the number of tables to be selected, A i is an attribute of a table, t j is one of the tables to be selected, P is a predicate or condition, t is a table to delete, insert or update, v i is a value to insert or n – i v  D V. F UTURE W ORKS AND C ONCLUSIONS It was concluded that the basic scheme and abstract algorithm presented as an alternative to control access to resources, it gives reasonable security to a database in a distributed environment. The proposed scheme and algorithm are independent of the relative security offered by the DDB. The access control that is intended is independent of the rights relative to the user. The proposal is not an absolute security alternative, with its inherent limitations we think of V v i V 1 v 1 , V 2 v 2 , V n v n 1 i (2) Where: V is the decryption operation, v is a row or vector, D is the data set or vectors, n is the number of data 53