International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 54

III. F INITE ELEMENT MODEL Fourier decomposition in the form of harmonics, which has a high practical value in the study. First, the actual settlement of the tank week is obtained from several monitoring points arranged around the bottom of the tank. It is a limited number of discrete data and can only partially reflect the settlement of the tank foundation. Too many monitoring points are not economical and practicality. Therefore, the Fourier decomposition is carried out on the basis of the measured settlement data of the limited tank foundation, and the approximate settlement value of any point on the bottom circle of the tank can be obtained, and the accuracy is ensured. Secondly, the expression of settlement harmonic obtained by Fourier decomposition is very simple and convenient for application in research. Furthermore, due to the complex influence of the settlement of the tank on the structure of the storage tank, the influence of the combined harmonic settlement on the storage tank can be directly studied after the Fourier decomposition of the settlement, and the effects of the individual harmonic settlement on the storage tank can be studied separately, and the results of the results are linearly stacked. The complete storage tank structure can be obtained in response to [6] . The finite element model of a full-scale storage tank is established by using the structural dimension data of a 100000m 3 large external floating roof tank. The diameter of the selected tanks is 80m, the storage tank height is 21.8m, and the limit liquid level is 19.5m. The parameters of plate steel used for each part of storage tank are shown in Table III [7] . T ABLE III P ARAMETERS OF TANK STEEL Tank plate name Bottom edge board Bottom plate First siding Second siding Third floor siding Fourth floor siding Fifth siding Sixth siding Seventh floor siding In this paper, 24 horizontal observation points are regularly arranged on the outside side of the 100000 m3 large external floating roof tank, and settlement detection is carried out regularly. After the foundation has settled, the settlement measured at each observation point is shown in Table I [7] . Eighth floor siding Ninth siding 1 2 3 4 5 6 Settlement amount /mm 242 236 238 250 259 287 Measuring point number 7 8 9 10 11 12 425 Settlement amount /mm 306 336 362 392 418 Measuring point number 13 14 15 16 17 18 Settlement amount /mm 430 429 431 434 410 388 Measuring point number 19 20 21 22 23 24 Settlement amount /mm 347 297 268 249 249 237 20 - 490 12 32 27 - 2420 2420 235 490 490 21.5 2420 490 18.5 2420 490 15 12 2420 2420 490 490 12 2420 490 12 2380 345 12 2380 235 The first model: the tank and its accessories are simulated by the shell element SHELL181, the foundation soil is simulated by the solid element SOLID185, and the tank bottom and the foundation soil are connected by the common node. T ABLE II D ATA OF HARMONIC SETTLEMENT Settlement amplitude /mm 330 106.1 -9.633 10.22 5.486 0.4133 -1.39 1.151 1.378 Yield strength/MPa The interaction between the tank accessories and the foundation soil and the bottom of the tank will have a complex effect on the structural response of the storage tank under the condition of foundation settlement. Therefore, three finite element models of full size storage tanks are established in different ways to compare and analyze the three models as described below. The Fourier decomposition method is used to deal with the measured settlement data in the table, and the superposition combination of the first 8 order harmonic settlement is taken as the measured settlement function, which is used for the finite element modeling analysis. The parameters of the harmonic settlement of each order are shown in Table II. Harmonic order 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Height /mm The density of plate steel used for storage tanks is ρ=7850kg/m 3 , the modulus of elasticity is E 1 =2.06×10 11 Pa, and Poisson's ratio is υ 1 =0.3. The elastic modulus of storage tank foundation is E 2 =1.6h10 10 Pa, Poisson's ratio is υ 2 =0.3. According to the above parameters, the finite element analysis software ANSYS is used to take into account the influence of the attachments of the anti-wind ring, the reinforced ring and the corner steel, and the interaction between the foundation soil and the bottom of the tank. The finite element model of the tank is established, and the operation of the storage tank under the foundation settlement is simulated. T ABLE I S ETTLEMENT DATA OF MEASURING POINTS Measuring point number Thickness /mm Initial phase angle /rad - 4.557 3.650 1.344 3.128 0.369 1.708 0.556 1.686 Second models: the storage tank and its accessories are simulated by the solid element SOLID185, and the foundation soil is simulated by the entity unit SOLID185, and the tank bottom and the foundation soil are connected by the common node. Third models: the storage tank and its accessories are simulated by the shell element SHELL181. The foundation soil is simulated by the solid element SOLID185, and the contact unit is set up between the bottom of the tank and the 32