International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 52
CER of 22.02% and a PER of 8.91%. For the per-element
dropout, it achieves a CER of 21.77% and a PER of 8.17%,
with relative reductions of 1% and 8% respectively.
When using the per-frame dropout, the performance is
better than that of per-element dropout, whose CER and PER
are 20.85% and 7.92% respectively, with relative reductions
of 5% and 11% respectively, compared with the baseline
When combining the both dropout methods, we got the
best performance, with a CER of 20.74% and a PER of 7.76%.
Compared with the baseline LSTMP, it has a 5.8% reduction
of CER and a 9.8% reduction of PER.
The experiments above showed that the dropout methods
can improve the neural networks based acoustic model’s
performance. With its application to LSTMP, we got the best
performance in the THCHS-30 task.
In this work, a baseline LSTMP acoustic model is built for
Chinese continuous speech recognition. Two kinds of dropout
methods are explored, i.e. the per-element dropout and per-
frame dropout. The experiments on THCHS-30 corpus
showed that both dropout methods can improve the
performance of LSTMP based acoustic model. Also, when
combining these two methods, the best performance can be
In the future, firstly, we may try to do some experiments
on English corpus and larger corpus. Also, the dropout
methods can be used here to improve the performance of
bidirectional LSTM (BLSTM) [24, 25].
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