International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 40
2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing (AIAM)
An English Handwriting Evaluation Algorithm
Based on CNNs
Yingguo Gao Runze Yu Xiaohui Duan
Center for Wireless Communication
and Signal Processing
EECS, Peking University
Beijing, China
e-mail: [email protected] Center for Wireless Communication
and Signal Processing
EECS, Peking University
Beijing, China
e-mail: [email protected] Center for Wireless Communication
and Signal Processing
EECS, Peking University
Beijing, China
e-mail: [email protected]
deformation are poor, as well as the conformity for similar
characters. The methods based on structural features, such as
skeleton, outline, shape features, etc., are robust to
deformation, but have a very high complexity. So, a more
general approach which automatically learns effective visual
representations for handwritten document images is desired.
Abstract—English handwriting evaluation is an essential
part in elemental English teaching. An automatic evaluation
algorithm for English handwriting quality is proposed in this
paper. Generally, conventional document image processing
approaches rely on hand-crafted features for capturing
statistical or structural information. In contrast, we take
advantage of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for
extracting features from raw image pixels. The performance of
this algorithm is more effective than traditional machine
learning methods and the accuracy is greater than 94% in our
experiment. Based on this algorithm, an intelligent English
handwriting marking system is designed and it is already
Recent advances in deep learning have made it possible
to extract high-level features from raw sensory data, leading
to breakthroughs in computer vision. Yann LeCun et al. [7]
first proposed to use Convolutional Neural Networks for
handwritten digit recognition. Le Kang et al. [8] presents a
general approach for document classification using
Convolutional Neural Networks. Xu-Yao Zhang et al. [9] set
new benchmarks for both online and offline handwritten
Chinese character recognition applying deep learning.
Aiquan Yuan et al. [10] proposed a method for offline
handwritten English character recognition based on
Convolutional Neural Networks.
evaluation, Convolutional Neural Networks, marking system
English handwriting quality evaluation has been a hot
topic in elemental English teaching. One of the important
method for assessment is English calligraphy competition.
Current evaluation methods almost depend on pure manual
work, which have some significant disadvantages, such as
different evaluation standards from person to person,
relatively low efficiency, and high labor costs. Therefore, the
development of automatic evaluation methods has recently
attracted much attention due to the high accuracy and
In this paper, an automatic evaluation algorithm is
presented for English handwriting quality using
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Experiments on
real-world data set show that our approach is more effective
than conventional machine learning methods. Moreover, an
intelligent English handwriting marking system based on our
algorithm is designed and put into use.
The reminder of this paper is outlined as follows. Section
II describes the system model, while Section III describes
CNNs for English handwriting evaluation. In section IV, we
present our experimental results after applying our algorithm
on our data set. Conclusions are drawn in Section V.
Document image processing has been widely used in the
field of character recognition, text detection, and document
image classification, but rarely seen in handwriting-quality
evaluations. In the current literature, Chongbiao Zhuang [1]
and Yi Peng [2] have studied the quality evaluation
algorithm of handwritten Chinese characters. The differences
between the two above algorithms mainly lie in the feature
extraction methods. In the paper [1], the feature extraction
algorithm is based on Gabor transform combining with the
rule-based feature extraction method. In contrast, the
algorithm in [2] is based on direction rules and connected
component detections.
We design an intelligent English handwriting marking
system based on CNNs. Our system consists of four parts:
one is data source interface. Data set is divided into two
categories, award-winning and non-award-winning. There
are about 24000 samples. The second part is data
preparation. We detect, cut, and calibrate the English
writing area for standard data and label input. A
Classification model based on CNNs is described in the
third part. We first design the network architecture
according to our application scenario. After training and
refining, we got the final model. The last part is an
application platform. We integrated the algorithms and setup
a web server. The whole system model is depicted in Fig. 1.
Feature extraction is an important part of handwritten
document image processing. Previous approaches for feature
extraction most rely on hand-crafted features for capturing
statistical or structural information. The methods based on
statistical features, such as template matching, zoning [3],
moments [4, 5], n-tuples [4, 6] etc., have a low complexity
and a simple training. However, their abilities to resist
978-1-7281-4691-1/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/AIAM48774.2019.00010