International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 28

reach 95.38%. Calculate the BPA output of PCA and ICA statistics, and partial result is shown in Table II. effectively, and multiple statistics can be used as evidence to identify abnormal data from various aspects. The paper considers the multi-evidence fusion method of evidence conflict to eliminate the pseudo data in the process of abnormal data identification, and weights the remaining evidence, which makes the evidence fusion more accurate and further improves the abnormal data. The accuracy of recognition also reduces the rate of misrecognition. The existing evidence is processed according to the steps shown in Fig. 1 to determine whether there is pseudo evidence. If the evidence fusion of a variable is used, it is judged that there is evidence to support the primary focus. If the degree is less than the average support of the primary coke, it is considered as pseudo-evidence. After elimination, the remaining evidence is weighted and averaged, and the Pignistic probability method is used to make the decision. C. Results and Analysis of Risk Processing in Power market Settlement Data The results of the multi-evidence fusion decision of some abnormal data in the first random setting abnormal data experiment are shown in Table V. TABLE II. BPA O UTPUT FOR S OME V ARIABLES Number PCA  T 2 PCA  SPE ICA  I 2 ICA  SPE 1 0.020028 0.030032 0.022099 0.032177 2 0.026934 0.023239 0.031077 0.021452 3 0.032459 0.026814 0.031768 0.024312 4 0.01174 0.034322 0.025552 0.031105 5 0.022099 0.023597 0.029696 0.022167 6 0.037293 0.027172 0.032459 0.023954 7 0.009669 0.035038 0.012431 0.034322 8 0.024171 0.023239 0.031077 0.026457 9 0.03453 0.028602 0.037293 0.033607 10 0.009669 0.033607 0.020718 0.031105 11 0.036602 0.023239 0.036602 0.025027 12 0.03453澳 0.030032 0.040746 0.03182 TABLE V. M ULTI - EVIDENCE F USION D ECISION R ESULT OF S OME S ETTLEMENT A BNORMAL D ATA Number X 1,28 X 1,29 X 1,30 X 16,28 X 16,29 PCA ICA SPE I 2 SPE Multiple evidence fusion 1 27.8% 47.2% 58.3% 30.7% 94.4% 2 33.3% 36.1% 30.6% 47.2% 86.1% 3 41.7% 27.8% 38.9% 63.9% 91.7% 4 38.9% 30.6% 19.4% 27.8% 88.9% 5 27.8% 44.4% 47.2% 58.3% 83.3% PCA ICA SPE I SPE Multiple evidence fusion 1 2.78% 2.19% 4.68% 5.26% 1.17% 2 1.9% 2.05% 3.22% 1.75% 0.58% 3 3.8% 2.34% 2.19% 4.39% 0.88% 4 3.95% 4.53% 3.51% 3.65% 1.75% 5 1.9% 4.24% 1.75% 4.82% 0.73% T 2 2 178000 kWh 78000 kWh 0.2641 164980 kWh 64980 kWh 0.2225 0.2¥/kWh 0.229¥/kWh 0.7792 80880 kWh 64129 kWh 0.5497 0 64129 kWh 0.0119 TABLE VI. A BNORMAL S ETTLEMENT D ATA R ECONSTRUCTION R ESULT TABLE IV. A BNORMAL D ATA A LARM R ATE OF D IFFERENT R ECOGNITION M ETHODS Number Multiple evidence fusion results 0.1017 The paper sets the reconstruction threshold T 0.3, then the data that needs to be reconstructed is X(1,28), X(1,29), X(1,30) and X(16,30). The relevant data is selected for polynomial fitting, and the maximum curvature of the fitted curve is calculated. Because curvature is related to the magnitude of the numerical value, the data needs to be normalized. The paper sets the curvature threshold Q 0.2. The degree of deviation between the reconstructed data of the two methods and the original normal data is calculated, the results are shown in Table VI. TABLE III. A BNORMAL D ATA R ECOGNITION R ATE OF D IFFERENT R ECOGNITION M ETHODS T 2 Correct data value 0.246¥/kWh X 16,30 B. Risk Identification Results and Analysis of Power market Settlement Data The paper re-randomly sets the anomaly data to the original data samples to judge the accuracy of the evidence theory's recognition of data risks. The pairs of identification methods are shown in Table III and Table IV. Number Abnormal data value 0.12¥/kWh Number Fit curve curvature Fit result Fit offset rate Historical Data calculation results Historical Data calculation result offset rate X 1,28 0.1607 0.226 8.13% 0.212 16.04% X 1,29 0.2663 98416 26.17% 87360 10.71% X 1,30 0.3318 117134 80.26% 85570 24.06% X 16,30 0.4191 50632 21.05% 57830 10.89% It can be found that the accuracy of the polynomial fitting results tends to be higher when the curvature of the fitted curve is low. However, due to the large fluctuations of data X(1,29), X(1,30) and X(16,30), the polynomial fitting results can not accurately reflect the normal data values, especially the polynomial fitting offset rate of X(1,30) reaches 80.26%, which is unacceptable. Through the combination of polynomial fitting and historical correlation, the final reconstructed data offset rates are 8.13%, 10.71%, 24.06% and 10.89%, respectively, within a reasonable range. The calculation results show that according to the method proposed in the paper, the advantages of the two reconstruction methods can be combined. By discriminating the curvature of the fitted curve, a more appropriate data reconstruction method is selected as the alternative. Through the experimental results, it can be found that when a single piece of evidence is used to identify abnormal data, the effective recognition rate is lower. After apply multiple evidence fusion, the data recognition rate is greatly improved, and can reach more than 80%. Through multiple evidence fusion, PCA and ICA advantages can be combined 6