International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 101

IV. E XPERIMENTS Experiments are conducted on a computer with Intel Core i7 CPU(3.60GHz). The code is implemented by MATLAB 2018. The threshold parameter in the de-noising process is set to 16 in the experiments. 3) In the de-noising processing, a threshold parameter is used to process the Difference_Gabor, to get the Difference_Gabor_Threshold. The Difference_Gabor_T- hreshold is converted into a binary graph, by setting non- zero pixel values to 1, and others to 0. Then the method described in the postprocessing part is used to process the binary graph to obtain, Bitmap_Gabor. Fig. 5. The Gabor function act on the highway dataset. (a):Total difference image; (b): Total difference after binary processing; (c): Total difference after de-noising processing; (d): detection result: Bitmap_Gabor. A. The Cdnet dataset The Change dataset ( Cdnet ) is the first large-scale benchmark dataset established by the IEEE Change Detection Workshop organizing committee in 2012. It is a video dataset devoted to the evaluation of change and motion detection approaches. In 2014, the IEEE Change Detection Workshop organizing committee expanded the dataset by adding 22 additional videos in 5 new categories. The Cdnet dataset covers most application scenarios of moving target detection and has become a main platform for fair comparison of algorithms in the research of moving target detection. C. Postprocessing The binary image is processed by the morphological closing [19], filled and smoothed by median filter [20] to obtain the detection result. The functions in MATLAB 2018 are used in the experiments. The proposed method is evaluated on the Cdnet 2014 dataset [21] which totally includes 53 scenarios, categorized into 11 classes. The baseline category is the best test data to evaluate the generality of exercise objective testing algorithms. It contains four catalogs that are highway, office, pedestrian, and PETS2006. An example of detection using the texture features is shown in Fig. 5. (a) (b) (c) (d) First, the original image is processed by the morphological closing which performs closing with the structuring element. To complete this step, the IMCLOSE(IM,SE) function is used . IM can be any numeric or logical class and any dimension, and must be non-sparse. SE is a single structuring element object. In our experiment, IM is the input binary image, SE is the shape of a rectangle of 10 by10 for doing closing operations. B. Results The results of the proposed algorithm on the baseline dataset are shown in Fig. 7, 8, 9, and 10. In all these figures, (a) is the original video frame of the baseline dataset, (b) is the final result of the moving target extracted with the proposed method, (c) is the binary graph, Bitmap_Gabor, obtained only by using the texture based inter-frame difference detection, (d) is a binary graph, Bitmap_Lab, obtained only based on color based inter-frame difference detection, and (e) is the binary graph, Binary_image, based on both texture features and color features. Then the region and holes in the image are filled. The IMFILL(BW1, LOCATIONS) function is used, which is based on the principle of a flood-fill operation on background pixels of the input binary image BW1. It starts from the points specified in LOCATIONS, and the parameter of LOCATIONS is chosen to be holes. Fig. 7 shows the experimental results conducted on the Highway dataset. It can be seen that both texture features (Bitmap_Gabor) and color features (Bitmap_Lab) can detect the moving cars well, while texture features work better on the little cars and color features work better on the closest car. And it can be seen that combination of the two features (Binary_image) produces the best result for the car detection. Finally, the binary image is operated by the median filtering operation to smoothing the noise in the image. The MEDFILT2 (A, [M N]) function performs median filtering of the matrix A in two dimensions. Each output pixel contains the median value in the M-by-N neighborhood around the corresponding pixel in the input image. Fig. 8 shows the experiment results conducted on the Office dataset. Fig. 9 shows the experiment results conducted on the Pedestrian dataset. It can be seen that for the two datasets, texture features (Bitmap_Gabor) can detect the full body of the person successfully, as shown in Fig. 8(c) and Fig. 9(c), while the color features (Bitmap_Lab) only detects few parts of the body, as shown in Fig. 8(d) and Fig. 9(d). The combination results shown in Fig. 8(e) and Fig. 9(e) are mainly the same as the results from the texture features. D. Combination 1) Binary_image is obtained by combining the difference binary image representing color features, Bitmap_Lab, and the different binary image representing texture features, Bitmap_Gabor. The combination is done by the logical AND operation. 2) Apply the Binary_image as a mask on the original frame F2 to get the moving target. Fig. 10 shows the experiment results conducted on the PETS2006 dataset. It can be seen that texture features (Bitmap_Gabor) perform much better than color features (Bitmap_Lab), while there still exits some holes in the result of the texture features and the combination result. The person closest to the center of the image is detected successfully, while the two people on the bottom right corner are only partially detected. This may be due to that the two people on the bottom right corner have just entered into the view shortly. An example for the combination is shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 6. The combination result 79