International Conference on Advanced Dentistry and Oral Health Brochure_ADOH_2018 | Page 5

ADOH 2018 Network Forward with the People Why attend ADOH 2018?  Network! ADOH 2018 offer the opportunity for you to mix and mingle, form new   relationships and strengthen existing ones. Meet experts and influencers face-to-face: ADOH 2018 offer the opportunity to meet global pharma leaders who are expected to share their noble insights at the conference. Learn in a new space: Unleash the insights of global dental industry. Recognition: A Conference is a great place to get recognition for your own ideas. Branding: Brand yourself as a professional and expert of your field. Sharpen your skills: Learn new ideas and approaches to make you more effective and efficient at work Absorb the energy of like-minded individuals: There’s nothing like being in a room of like-minded people – other people who are willing to take time away from the office to learn something new. Other people who want to “better” themselves Break out of your comfort zone: Breaking out of your comfort zone is just the type of action that is necessary to break out of old ways of thinking. Get access to workshops: workshops offer even more learning opportunities that connect attendees in an intimate learning environment.   Have fun! Participating at ADOH  2018 will add a layer of enjoyment to managing your career growth by mixing a social aspect into your learning and industry branding efforts. Invest in yourself: A day out of the office to sharpen your skills, is investing in yourself. It is admitting that you are worth it, that you still have things to learn and that you can get better. It is an investment in yourself, your career and your growth.