International Class Magazine 1 | Page 17



Inquiry-based Learning: this is the need to try and fail to learn, but it involves a group work because it is like in society, children are not going to be alone, so they need to learn to work with other people..


Natural Method: people do not have their brain divided into boxes, we know the world as a whole not as many different parts. That is why Freinet decided to use a global approach in his method.


In my opinion, most of Freinet’s techniques are very useful and still are being used. In the different internships that I have done in my degree, I have seen different ways to apply Freinet’s ideas. The last school where I spent two month is a good example of a way to use Freinet’s methods in education. In this school, students are in charge of deciding what they want to study and how they want to do it. They also do many excursions to explore the surroundings, but they do it in groups and with the teacher. Each student is asked to learn to write and read at his/her own rhythm because teachers understand that even if you have a classroom full of children from the group 5, each student is on a different level, and so, he/she deserves to be helped in his/her journey of learning.

Even though I think that Freinet’s techniques are very useful, some need to be modified in order to match the time we are living now. Nowadays, we live in an informatics society, so students need to learn to use them. For example, I do not think that the printed text technique would work or make sense nowadays. Although, you could use this technique to do a different work. Instead of copying a text for the newspaper, you can copy a design that can or cannot have text, is your choice. For example, if the students are doing a theater, they can use this technique to do the posters that they are going to distribute around the town and the school.