International book international book of favorite sports_FV | Page 32
The history of dance is difficult to access because dance does not often leave
behind clearly identifiable physical artifacts that last over millennia, such as
stone tools, hunting implements or cave paintings. Dance from time immemorial
has been present in human life. It is not possible to say when this form of art
originated; however, it started thousants of years ago. Primitive people used it
to communicate with each other, because the movement of the body replaced
them with words and gestures. The dance accompanied them in social events
and in building interpersonal contacts. It is an important part of ceremonies and
events. People gathered together, dancing in a group they performed religious
rites. In those days it is a kind of group ritual.
In most ancient civilizations, dancing before the god is an important element in
temple ritual. In Egypt the priests and priestesses, accompanied by harps and
pipes, perform stately movements which mime significant events in the story of
a god, or imitate cosmic patterns such as the rhythm of night and day.