International Archives of Integrated Medicine, 1(1), September, 2014 Fatal craniocerebral injuries in victims who survi | Page 6

Fatal craniocerebral injuries in victims who survived for some period Table - 3: Cases distribution according to brain stem hematoma. Table - 5: Cases distribution according to skull bone fracture. Site Bone involved Frontal Parietal Temporal Occipital Base No fracture Total Primary brain stem injury Midbrain 02 Pons 05 Medulla 01 Secondary brain stem injury 02 07 02 Total % 4 12 3 8 24 6 No. of cases 03 07 10 01 05 24 50 % 6 14 20 2 10 48 100 Table - 4: Cases distribution according to direction of impact. Direction of impact Antero posterior Lateral Vertex Unknown Total No. of cases 11 36 1 2 50 % 22 72 2 4 100 International Archives of Integrated Medicine, Vol. 1, Issue. 1, September, 2014. Copy right © 2014, IAIM, All Rights Reserved. Page 6