International Archives of Integrated Medicine, 1(1), September, 2014 Fatal craniocerebral injuries in victims who survi
Fatal craniocerebral injuries in victims who survived for some period
Original Research Article
Fatal craniocerebral injuries in victims who survived for
some period
O. Gambhir Singh1* Hemalatha N.2
Associate Professor, 2 Associate Professor
S.R.M. Medical College, Potheri, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu - 603203
It is a prospective study of 50 fatal head injury cases whose medico legal autopsy was done in the
Institute of Forensic Medicine, Madras Medical College and Government General Hospital, Chennai
from December 2007 to June 2008. There were total 50 cases of fatal craniocerebral injuries which
needed admission either in Intensive Care Unit or neurosurgery. In the present study, male victims
(47 cases, 96%) outnumbered female victims (3 cases, 6%) with an approximate male
male-female ratio of
16:1. Road traffic accidents (RTA) involving mainly pedestrians and two wheeler users were the most
common cause of fatal head injury, seen in 43 cases (86%). Out of the total 50 cases of fatal head
injury, brain stem injury was seen in 41 cases (82%). Skull bone fracture was found in 26 cases (52%),
11 cases were associated with primary brain stem injury and 15 cases with the secondary brain stem
injury. Temporal and parietal bones were the common site of fracture, observed in 17 cases (34%).
The range of survival period was wide, spreading from 6 hours to 600 hours; the mean survival
period being 73.42 hours. Brain stem injury, which is generally associated with skull base fracture,
was found to be the main factor governing the prognosis of the case.
Key words
Head injury, Primary brain stem injury, Secondary brain stem injury, Road Traffic Accident
Craniocerebral injuries (also known as head
injuries) are one of the most fatal and common
regional injuries ever known to human beings
since time immemorial [1].
*Corresponding Author: O. Gambhir Singh
S.R.M. Medical College, Tamil Nadu India.
E mail: [email protected]
Received on: 19-08-2014
Revised on: 28-08-2014
Accepted on: 04-09-2014
In the modern era also they are increasingly
encountered daily worldwide. Notwithstandi
developing countries like India fatal head
injuries are now becoming the most common
cause of death from trauma worldwide. It has a
huge medical, social and economical bearing on
the country as it involves especially younger age
group population [2].
How to cite this article: O. Gambhir Singh, Hemalatha N. Fatal
craniocerebral injuries in victims who survived for some period. IAIM,
2014; 1(1): 1-6.
Available online at
International Archives of Integrated Medicine, Vol. 1, Issue. 1, September, 2014.
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