Dragonfly Farm
Janet and Cameron Carter
5940 Chena Hot Springs Rd.
Two Rivers, AK 99716
[email protected]
What: honey, broccoli, kohlrabi, lettuce, rhubarb, celery, cabbage, cauliflower, Burssel sprouts, collard greens,
mustard greens, Swiss chard, kale, zucchini,, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, leeks, onions,
potatoes, cranberries
Where to buy: Farm stand Tuesdays - Fridays 2:00 - 7:00, Tanana Valley Farmers Market
Frigid Farm
Megan and Andrew Hamlin
[email protected]
Facebook: Frigid Farm
What: rabbits - meat, sheep - meat, sheep - fiber
Where to buy: Direct from farm
Funny Farm Feed Folks
Brian Schmitt
505 Herning Rd.
Fairbanks, AK 99712
[email protected]
Facebook: Funny Farm Feed Folks
What: seasonal produce, goats - dairy, goats - meat, chickens - breeding, chickens - eggs, chickens - meat,
pigs - meat, rabbits - meat
Where to buy: Farm stand, Direct from farm, By appointment, CSA share, Direct to restaurant
Goosefoot Farm
Christine and Brad St. Pierre
4500 Rosie Creek Trail
Fairbanks, AK 99709
[email protected]
What: gourmet salad greens, salad turnips, leek, beans, beets, carrots, green onions, kale, lettuce, onions,
parsnips, peas, potatoes, radishes, rutabaga, spinach, turnips, zucchini, cilantro, dill, chard, hay
Where to buy: Tanana Valley Farmers Market, Direct from farm, By appointment, Direct to restaurant
Happy Trails Farm
Shelly Soderstrom and Donald Wade
1002 Smallwood Trail
Fairbanks, AK 99712
[email protected]
Facebook: Happy Trails Farm
What: tomatoes, hot peppers, sweet peppers, potatoes, carrots, radishes, squash, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower
Where to buy: Direct from farm, By appointment
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