Intergumentary System May. 2014 | Page 16

This activities and projects about the system help me to know more about the subject, it help me to learn things I really didn’t know about the Integumentary System, also to take more care of my body and learn about it and be aware if we don’t take care of the body what are the consequences. -Alberto Quintanilla

This proyect helped me see things that I didn't know of the integumentary system, and it was useful for knowing on what can help to protect my skin, like sun screen. All of this information helps me to become a healthier person and take care of myself. -Santiago

In this semester i learned really much about my body but specificly about the integumentary system. I know how it works, for what it works, the risks it has, diseases, how to avoid this diseases, and the story of one of the most known diseases: Skin Cancer. This is really helpful and all this you can learn it by reading this magazine! -Diego Mtz

These proyects help us a lot in our semester not only to pass the course but also help us impoving our health and to know how our body works. I learn a lot about the intergumentary system, things that I don't know earlier in this semester, but not only about the Intergumentary system but about the other systems with the help of my classmates and the teacher. I found really interesting this semester really helpful I really get to understand the topics and also learned team work. -Fernando Torres