Intergumentary System May. 2014 | Page 11

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The world's oldest documented case of cancer hails from ancient Egypt, in 1500 b.c. The details were recorded on a papyrus, documenting 8 cases of tumors occurring on the breast. It was treated by cauterization, a method to destroy tissue with a hot instrument called "the fire drill." It was also recorded that there was no treatment for the disease, only palliative treatment.

There is evidence that the ancient Egyptians were able to tell the difference between malignant and benign tumors. According to inscriptions, surface tumors were surgically removed in a similar manner as they are removed today.

Today, we know so much about the human body; however early Greek physicians weren't so fortunate. Hippocrates believed that the body was composed of four fluids: blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. He believed that an excess of black bile in any given site in the body caused cancer. This was the general thought of the cause of cancer for the next 1400 years.

In ancient Egypt, it was believed cancer was caused by the Gods.

Skin cancer was first discovered or identified by René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laennec. This French physician was born on February 17th, 1781 in Quimper. He is widely known as the inventor of modern stethoscope. His specialties were to use sound as a mean of diagnostic aid. The methods and research on his invention of the stethoscope can be found in his famous work, “De l’Auscultation Médiate”. He was also interested in diseases like peritonitis and cirrhosis. He developed deep understanding of these diseases and conducted various research and experiments on their causes, symptoms, diagnostics and treatments. He was the one who gave the name melanoma when he was researching on melanoma, which he discovered in human lungs.

Feyd, Lisa . "Cancer History - The History of Cancer." Cancer. N.p., 9 Apr. 2014. Web. 5 May 2014.