INTER-SECTION Volume I | Page 8

| Samuel Cárdenas Meijers | 2002, 373) combined with the essence of a management plan for all the huacas in Lima (Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima 2014) and a research on civil initiatives that are concerned with the preservation of archaeological sites in Lima. The potential of the cultural centre approach lies in that it could be applied to urban areas with archaeological sites that need to be valorised, keeping in mind the engagement of local communities. Since the creation of the museum, one of its aims has been to function as a cultural centre within the urban area (Flores Espinoza 2002, 373). The research carried out by the author has shown that it is achieving this aim while engaging the local community in an active way (Cárdenas Meijers 2015, 96-97). The cultural, educational, and entertaining functions of Huaca Pucllana as a cultural centre are visible through the programs and activities The cultural centre Huaca Pucllana The archaeological site Huaca Pucllana is one of that it offers. The cultural function is realised the many huacas in Lima, and is located in the Dis- through the events that take place at the plaza WULFW0XQLFLSDOLW\RI0LUDÁRUHV7KHFRPSOH[ZDV of the complex, such as concerts, opera and built around 500 B.C. and served as a ceremonial theatre (Cárdenas Meijers 2015, 73). While centre within Lima society (Silvera La Torre 2012, the educational function is achieved through 313). Through time, the site has been reused for althe archaeological summer workshops for kids most 1000 years (Flores Espinoza 2005, 87 and 91). VLQFH  ÀJ LQWHUQVKLSSRVVLELOLWLHVIRU Eventually in 1981, after years of being in danger of destruction, a valorisation project for Huaca Pu- students (since 1982), and a former excavation cllana was authorised by the INC and, as part of program for neighbours in which they assisted the project, an on-site museum was opened in 1984 the archaeologists (Cárdenas Meijers 2015, 56; Flores Espinoza 2012, 371). Last, the entertai(Flores Espinoza 2002, 370). Function Actor Ministry of Culture Metropolitan Municipality of Lima (MML) Cultural Educational The Huaca narrates to us - Clean Huaca, Lively (Storytelling, guided tour, Huaca (Cleaning of sites and guided tours) workshop) - Transforming my past, transforming my city Cinema at your huaca* Cultural festivities and artistic demonstrations Civil Initiatives Entertaining (The Huaca narrates to us) (Conservation program for youngsters of rehabilitation centers) Workshops and guided (Cinema at your tours for schools* huaca*) Cooperation with schools (Workshops, organizing activities such as cleaning of sites) - Guided cycling tours - Huacas, Bubbles, and Rock ‘n Roll* (Concerts at huacas) 7DEOH&RPPXQLW\SURJUDPVDQGDFWLYLWLHVLQ/LPDYVWKHIXQFWLRQVRIDKXDFD 3URJUDPVWKDWKDYHFHDVHG  p.8 | VOL I | INTER-SECTION | 2015