INTER-SECTION Volume I | Page 32

Schuuring, M., 2015. The Circulation and Use of Coins in the Carolingian Era of the Netherlands. A distribution analysis. Soekhoe, I., 2015. Precolumbian chocolate. Tracing the use of chocolate in Mesoamerica. Stavrinou, M., 2015. The Cyprus Museum: a study on its function and its importance about the Cypriot cultural identity. Timmers, A., 2015. To collect or not to collect, that is the question. A story about the collections policy at Leiden’s Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde in the sixties. Toor, A. van, 2015. The mammal fauna from Schöningen 13 I, the oldest Palaeolithic site of Schöningen. Velde, S. van de, 2015. 7KHG\LQJ1LRELGOLYLQJRQ$&XOWXUDOELRJUDSK\