e Not Our very own existence on this planet speaks of woman power. Their capabilities against all the odds, often unnoticed, make them what they are. Female Protagonist MIA deals with problems using logical thinking and reasoning. MY MYSTERY MINDER M EVA, HAVE YOU STARTED WORKING ON THE GERMINATION PROJECT YET? MIA THE GARDEN MYSTERY GERMS, YIKES! Script: Ritika Subhash | Illustration: Amit Mandal NO, ShREYA, DON’T RUN YOUR IMAGINATION. I MEAN THE SEEDS WE PLANTED. MAYBE I NEED TO PAMPER THEM MORE. Yes, Mia. I planted tomato seeds. But they are taking too long to sprout. YAAH, YAAH! GIVE THEM CHOCOLATES, GEMS, AND TIE THEM RIBBONS. HEHHEHHEHEHHE. NEXT WEEK... HMM! ARE YOU WATERING IT DAILY? IS THERE ENOUGH SUNLIGHT? DO YOU PUT COMPOST? Mia, my seeds have not germinated yet. It is taking forever. YES, YES, MADAM! IN THE EVENING, AT EVA’S HOUSE... WOW! THIS IS POSSIBLY MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN HEAVEN! 04 Sep 2018 RELAX! EVA, I’LL COME TO YOUR HOUSE IN THE EVENING.