Witty & Script: Jaya Agrawal Illustration: Amit Mandal Wacky should you be going the Witty way or the Wacky way? SCHOOL TOMORROW, TIME TO GO TO BED. Mom, let me watch TV. It is an England vs Poland match. It is very interesting. Not e Skill: Manners maketh Man. Possessing good manners is an important life skill. Witty and Wacky helps the children to recognise the difference. SCHOOL TOMORROW, TIME TO GO TO BED. Mom, may I watch the match. It is an England vs Poland match. It is very interesting. Which way you will go- the Witty way or the Wacky way? Let me go and ask mamma if I could play onE more game. Ah! Let me play one more game, nobody is watching. 28 Sep 2018