N G R E A DI IN C O R N ER Giraffes Can't Dance Giraffes Can't Dance is a touching tale of Gerald the giraffe, who wants nothing more than to dance. The book gives us a great opportunity to discuss stereotypes. At the beginning of the book, the lions start laughing at Gerald even before he even starts dancing. The animals seems to make negative assumptions about Gerald’s dancing skills just because he is a giraffe When discussing the book with children, we can explore why the other animals make negative assumptions about Gerald. Did they see other giraffes dancing badly and assume that Gerald couldn’t dance? We could also apply this question to daily life. We can ask the first graders to investigate whether they ever make assumptions about others based on a group that they belong to. For example, do they ever think about someone differently because of the way they dress? AUTHOR: GIL E S ANDREAE READI N G A G E: 6 + REF E RRED BY: REE N A CH OP RA Subscription Form On subscribing, your copy of iNTELLYJELLY will be delivered to your doorstep every month. Take a snap of the "Filled Form and Payment receipt" & WhatsApp to: +91 9540 441 441 CONTEST- Jun 2018 n tries Subscription For: 3 Months 6 Months 12 Months iv e an d o rig i nal e iNTELLYJ E LLY. The three most creat e subs cr ip t ion of fre ar ye wil l win a on e 19 540 441 441 nd W h atsA p p t o: + 9 Rs. 180 C o m p le te , c l ick a bel ow u s in g wo r d s Co mpl ete the poe m given d e ach s e nt e nc e wit h of yo ur ch o i ce. T r y to en a r hyming w ord. Rs. 360 Rs.720 Payment Mode: NEFT Cheque Cash Deposit How to Pay : 9540-441-441 OR / ICICI Bank e y e …….... . ...... . .. . .… . .in my year ………..... . .. … … . of th e … ! Father y o u a r e the ...… … Always s tanding by! l if e . ………...... . .. … … of m y Role mode l of t he centur y . Name Guardian's Name _ ____ ___ _____ __ ____ N ame ___ ____ ___ ____ __ _ ____ ___ _____ __ ___ Guard i a n ’ s Na m e __ ____ __ D a t e of Birt h Mobi l e N um b e r ___ _____ __ _____ __ __ A ddr e ss _ ___ ____ ___ ____ __ ___ ____ ___ _____ _ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ __ ____ ___ ___ P in _ _____ C it y ___ ___ ____ __ St a t e__ Date of Birth D Mobile Number Address City State D M M Y Y Y Y Pin int e llyjelly s// o n: http R es u lt will be declared Jun 2018 45