decide what to wish for.' With this, he set foot for his house. Back at his house, things were no different. Everyone wanted Jonathan to wish for different things from the elf. His old, blind mother wanted her sight back, his brother asked for immense wealth, his wife for many years now wished for a child and his father-in-law asked for a big house. Jonathan, himself wanted a free country because somewhere, deep inside his heart, he knew that Darth Village taking over Pixel Village was partly because of his deeds. However, the elf had promised to grant a single wish only. After thinking for two days, he finally approached the elf. 'Have you decided what you will wish for,' asked the elf. 'Yes, I have,' replied Jonathan. 'I wish that my mother sees my child rocking in a golden cradle from the fourth floor of my house in this free country,' he added. Jonathan's wishes were fulfilled. He set the elf free. Jonathan was now the richest and the happiest man in the whole of the Pixel Village. He was soon crowned the king and he lived happily ever after. If you had just one wish, what would you wish for and why? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ carved: to cut (a solid material) so as to form something bonfire : any fire built in the open beaver teethed : very large forward teeth raged : uncontrollable anger bewilderment : a feeling of being confused cradle : an infant's bed or crib Jun 2018 27