Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 17 | Page 31

INTELLIGENT CABLING These micro- datacentres are autonomous, automatable, sturdy solutions, powerful enough to assume a leading role in the cloud. the roadside. There would have to be servers or micro-datacentres on the roads or at base stations every 15 kilometres to guarantee virtually latency-free interaction and processing of the most important data on site. Exchanging data using remote cloud datacentres would be too slow to control traffic and ensure there are no accidents with the typical 1 to 2 milliseconds latency. So, while the cloud could compile, analyse and store all traffic data that is not critically time-bound, the edge will require micro-datacentres as there is zero tolerance for latency and a need for unconditional availability. This latency, hyper-interactivity and decentral intelligence will play a role in numerous other applications in the digitalised world. These include industrial manufacture, industrial Ethernet and robotics, 5G and video communication, smart grids, the Internet of Things as well as blockchain, AI and AR applications. Edge computing can support all these tasks by shortening the path between the acquisition, collection, analysis and feedback of intelligence to the networks. The locations at which micro datacentres will have to be deployed could be demanding. To minimise risks, application sites will have to be chosen carefully and edge solutions will have to be as robust and maintenance-free as possible. They should also be able to run independently without specialist personnel. But there will still have to be safe rooms or containers to protect micro datacentres from manipulation, environmental influences and electromagnetic loads. Installation and operation at the edge will have to be made as simple as possible with the plug and play principle applied to connectivity and IT. Micro-datacentres will require the ability to be connected directly to fibre optic or broadband networks everywhere, and will require integrated cooling, sound insulation, UPS, access control, and remote monitoring. Given the likely locations for their deployment, they would have to be climate- resistant, closed and shielded and designed for maximum density and compactness. The edge trend is leading to a paradigm shift in the way we design, provide and monitor networks as specific security, connectivity and bandwidth requirements will have to be taken into consideration. Infrastructures will have to be designed with the ability to spread computing power on a wide scale and support software defined WAN. This means that service providers will have to adapt their business models. The base stations of cellular phone network providers will be particularly suitable as sites for edge datacentres. Because with the introduction of 5G technology, mobile communication antennas will become locks for enormous amounts of data. Hubs or gateway exchanges of cable and telecommunication networks are also a possibility. For cars to be automated and safe they would have to be able to react within 0.1 milliseconds. Shibu Vahid, Head of Technical Operations, R&M Middle East, Turkey and Africa. The exponential growth of data from the various applications and devices which can be found everywhere is forcing us to rethink today’s network structures. Weak subnetworks can slow down the entire communication chain. Bottlenecks in network interfaces, transmission and computing capacities are to be avoided at all levels to be able to guarantee a smooth flow of data traffic. Decentralised mini or micro- datacentres can reliably connect IoT devices on short links and can easily be scaled when local IoT networks grow, thus serving as the backbone for smart city infrastructure. They can replicate cloud service and business-critical processes on site and buffer bandwidth-intensive applications such as mobile HD video. And, if cloud connections