In the 20th century , nearly every marketing problem had one solution — the 30 second TV ad . If you had a product to sell , you could reach everybody you needed to with a powerful , highly polished message in a very short period of time .
Yet marketing in the digital age is different . Building awareness is no longer sufficient . In fact , it may even benefit your competitors more than it does your brand because once consumers react to your message , they will be retargeted using digital methods .
So the basic function of marketing promotion has changed . It is no longer enough to simply grab attention , you need to be able to hold attention and that ’ s where social strategy comes in . The age of catchy slogans and massive ad campaigns is over . Brands in the 21st century need to become more like publishers and strategy needs to follow from that .
Clarifying The Mission
Content strategy has become a popular specialty in marketing lately . The problem is that very few content strategists actually know what they ’ re talking about . They tend to approach content as if it was just a longer version of an ad and therefore double the usual amount of psychobabble about the “ consumer mindset .”
In truth , a publisher ’ s first loyalty is not to the consumer , but to the editorial mission . That doesn ’ t mean you should ignore consumers , trends or anything else that ’ s going on . What it does mean is that great publications stand for something .
Intelligent Social Media Marketing www . kacharagadla . in