Intelligent Issue 08 | Page 41



Protecting SMEs


Cybercriminals don ’ t just attack large organisations – they also target SMEs too , which is why SMEs should always consider their email security . Business leaders need to ask if they have the right systems in place and also if the employees are aware of the dangers posed by email threats . Two experts from CyberSmart and Cybereason explain how SMEs can bolster their email defences .


JAMIE AHKTAR , Co-Founder and CEO at CyberSmart said :
Email threats or phishing scams are one of the most common forms of cyberattack . What ’ s more , they ’ re increasingly being used by cybercriminals as the first point of access into a corporate network .
These attacks usually prey on heightened emotions , such as fear , excitement or a fast-paced working environment , to entice employees into clicking on a link or downloading an attachment . Once the recipient has been snared , the link will usually redirect them to another page requesting sensitive information or simply release malware on to their device .
Cybercriminals use this technique because it requires minimal effort to launch an attack – all it requires is sending one email to a list of targets – and just one mis-click could reap great rewards . Most hackers don ’ t discriminate between large and small businesses , so it ’ s vital SMEs bolster their cybersecurity on this front .
The key to protecting SMEs from email attacks is continuous cybersecurity awareness training , coupled with an effective spam filter .
Employees should be made aware of the latest tactics used by cybercriminals and learn how to recognise the red flags .
For example , it ’ s essential that employees check the email address along with the
Jamie Ahktar , Co-Founder and CEO at CyberSmart
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