Intelligent Issue 28 | Page 44




AN accountancy general practice that provides a full finance function , has partnered with WhisperClaims , a research and development ( R & D ) tax FinTech company , to confidently deliver R & D tax services as part of its offering to clients , while unlocking new revenue streams .
Northern Accountants was established in 2008 , and since then , has continued to grow – acquiring two offices in Liverpool and Hull , reaching almost £ 2 million gross recurring fees ( GRF ) and a team of 24 accountants .
Missed opportunities and spurious claims
The accountancy general practice provides forecasting , insights and software training . However , one missing area that it identified a few years ago was R & D . Phil Ellerby , Founder of Northern Accountants , said : “ We didn ’ t touch R & D tax because it ’ s a specialist area . The team at Northern Accountants were comfortable with what R & D was and wasn ' t ,

Northern Accountants builds new R & D tax service underpinned by WhisperClaims ’ technology

Northern Accountants , an accountancy general practice in Leeds , had initially decided not to offer an R & D tax service because it is a specialist area . But thanks to the WhisperClaims ’ R & D platform , it started to confidently deliver R & D tax services as part of its offering to clients . Phil Ellerby , Founder of Northern Accountants , explains how much WhisperClaims has helped give the company the confidence to produce quality output , which , in turn , has generated a new source of income .
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