Intelligent Issue 24 | Page 32


// FEATURE // the risk of their entire operation suffering a temporary collapse , which may cause crippling financial and reputational damage .

However , if businesses are able to diversify their software suite – made possible through interoperability – any issue or outage is quickly compartmentalised , allowing other areas of the business to function as normal .
The future is now
While interoperability may seem a far-flung future concept to many , the truth is that interoperable systems have grown rapidly in a business context and are already transforming how businesses operate and share data in ways unimaginable even a decade ago . Indeed , in our industry interoperability is now cited as a requirement on virtually all tender documents from prospects .
The reason behind this rapid adoption is primarily feasibility . More simply , businesses now see , and believe , the transformative impact interoperability can have on their operations , having not believed this way of working was possible previously and instead opting for conventionally integrated systems , often to their detriment .
Because of this belief , more and more businesses are waking up to the numerous benefits of interoperable software – significant time and cost savings , safeguarding against risk , reduced human error and more motivated , satisfied teams – to the benefit of all .
As we continue to move towards the remotefirst , digitally-enabled world of work , it is clear that interoperability will only grow in importance . Subsequently , for businesses wishing to remain in tune with the needs of the modern world of work , it will soon be a case of not whether they can afford to invest in interoperable systems , but whether they can feasibly afford not to . �
. tech
Intelligent SME . tech