Intelligent Issue 06 | Page 34


wipers in combination with other attack vectors is one of the biggest emerging threats we ' re collectively facing as a security community . Wipers can potentially take cyberspace by storm , impacting IT networks across public and private sectors worldwide . And because of the commodification of wipers , these have the potential to impact networks exponentially .
New technologies will open the door to more attacker activity
New technologies undoubtedly offer cybercriminals new opportunities for compromise . And as more Deep Web technologies start to go mainstream , we predict that 2023 will be a significant year for new risks to emerging associated with digital destinations like virtual cities , Web 3.0 , Quantum Computing and more .
For example , immersive experiences like virtual cities potentially give rise to stolen digital goods and assets and hacked crypto wallets and biometrics . Web 3.0 – a new , blockchain-based iteration of the Internet that aims to decentralise ownership of the digital economy – is built on the idea that users should control their data . Yet users are often the weakest link regarding security . And while Quantum Computing is promising for public and private sector organisations looking to solve complex problems , these elevated processing capabilities are also attractive to cybercriminals . One possibility is that bad actors may use Quantum Computing to weaponise Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) in the quest for new zero-day vulnerabilities .
Protect your organisation from emerging threats
While a new list of potential threats to watch for may seem daunting , the good news is that many of the threats we ’ re observing and predicting are simply an evolution of the techniques we ’ ve seen threat actors rely on for years . Because most of the tactics , therefore , bad actors use to execute these attacks are familiar , security teams are already in a solid position to protect against these emerging threats .
Luring cybercriminals with deception technology is a helpful way to counter RaaS and CaaS during the reconnaissance phase . Cybersecurity deception coupled with digital risk protection ( DRP ) services can help you better identify your organisation ’ s adversaries and stay one step ahead of them .
Looking outside your enterprise for clues about future attack methods will also be more important than ever . DRP services are critical for external threat surface assessments . They can help you
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